Copperbanded Butterfly

k100 trike

New Member
Jul 2, 2006
Reaction score
salisbury wiltshire
i am think about a copperbanded butterfly for my 150gal reef tank but i have contradicting info on the some say they are coral safe and others say that they are not could and body help with this many thanks in advance neil
copperband and longnose are classed at semi reef safe as they might pick at polps or sponges but tbh they are fairly reef safe. only thing is a CB are highly delicate and if it dies ur being told bad water quality.
also they do eat tube worms, like the small red ones.
IMO Copperbands are best left to expert/seasioned aquarists, they are very picky eaters (if they eat at all) & most of them starve to death in Aquariums

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