Copperband Feeding


Aug 24, 2006
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I just got a Copperband this past friday. He hasn't eaten anything I have tossed in the tank. I have tried Brine Shrimp, Artemia, Bloodworm, Krill and Brineshrimp with clam Juice. He has been picking at the rock and eating stuff. One thing looked like a peanut worm and the other was some sort of red/pinkish mess of hair. So he has been eating and he is not freaking out like he was on friday and saturday.

What else could I try to feed him or is he full from eating all those things. Does the Copperband grase and eat all day like my scooter blennie?

Does the Copperband grase and eat all day like my scooter blennie?

In the wild they graze on tunicates, worms, small sponges, glass anemones, and other small organisms on the rockwork. Copperband butterflies have poor eating records in captivity as they are not used to eating prepared foods in the wild, nor are they scavengers that will eat anything and adapt to many meaty foods. If I were you, I'd try some roe, but don't hold your breath.
He ate something I put in there this morning. I'm not sure what he got cause I was eating myself. I read a whole bunch of information on them last night. I got a couple tricks that I will try and let you guys know.
from what ive seen and read copperbands are very hard to keep and just like ski said they are delicate and do not eat many foods that we offer
i have heard they may be tempted to eat bread crusts as they resemble sponges, if they do at least they have eaten something.
I had my G/F pick up one clam at Wegmans...which the seafood lady though it was weird. I tried to drill holes in it, but when I went to make them larger I snapped half of the top shell off. So I put it down in the tank with half shell missing, but so far only the protein skimmer seem to have notice there is something in the tank.

I know the Copperband is eating cause he is picking at the rock and I actually saw him get a few worms out.

I'll keep you guys posted.

Well I killed the clam, took the half half shell out and cut out the clam in little pieces and put it back into the tank with half shell. The cleaner shrimp came around and ate a huge chuck. I put the loaded half clam where the copperband hangs out.

He is now hanging around there. Poking at th rocks..

more update later.

Well the clam is empty this morning, but i'm not sure if it was the copperband that ate the food. He seems to be going after the frozen food I put in there, but I don't see him catch anything. I will try to stuff bloodworm into crevises of the live rock or put some artemia/BrineShrimp into the turkey baster and see if he will stick is snout in there and grab some food.

I tried the garlic with luck. I'm going to feed my coral with Squid...I'll see if he goes for some of that
Well Last night he nibbled on some bloodworm and this morning I actually saw him eat one....we are getting there :)
Well after a month or so my copperband finally started eating bloodworm. The only difference I see is that the temp is higher then it has ever been. It's like 85 in the tank.

I don't know if the temperature has anything to do with it or not. I will check in the morning. I expect the temp to be back down around 80~82.

He eat a whole bunch of bloodworm.

Thanks for posting a update. I actually got one 2 days ago and he is not eating too. Gonna try the bloodworms today. It actually nipped at my Greenstarpolyp(not to happy about that).

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