Copperband Butterfly


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere over the rainbow
I am starting a 55 reef tank, just fish to start. I have plenty of filtration. What I want to know it who here has had a Copperband in their salt/reef tank, what they are like, and what (if any) coral do they act ok with, and/or which ones will they destroy?
Well i cant tell you about the copperband but if you have just fish to start you could have problems with Ammonia and nitrate levels. Might just want to keep an eye on them.

Good luck with it

Thanks, bulk. For sure. My original idea was to have the live rock cicle the tank. Folliwing that will be a 25% water change. After that process is finnished and amonia and nitrite levels have been dropped back to zero, I plan on getting some chromis fish and then some clowns. The copperband is for later. Please tell me about him, anyone who has owned one. thanks! :nod:
So it's not fish only. It is FOWLR?

Good luck keeping a CBB alive. Butterflys in general are among the more difficult fish to keep, hard to get them to eat, and CBBs are notorious problems. I had one that lived 36 hrs. Of course, noone had told me even when I asked that a Sailfin Tang would rip it to shreds, so that's another matter.

Theoretically a CBB will be fine with the fish you plan to have. Also, most say that corals are fine. They will nip here and there but not do real damage.

But keeping them alive is a problem, they are severely stressed quite easily.
Read GL's article at the top of the forum and you'll get the acronyms.
In my opinion a 55 is not big enough for a butterfly fish and is not reef safe. You also need an established aquarium.

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