Copper Med In Old Tank

Hi seffie,

its just the tank im using and the heater. it was a bare bottom tank as it was used for treating a discus so no decor or substrate.
i will be using all the plants and sponge filter etc from the current shrimp set up once im happy with the copper thing.....
new sand substrate will be added once im happy with the tank.

the tank has an in hood filtration system that i wasnt planning on using so i can run carbon through that before moving the filters, plants and shrimp over from the old tank :good:

ill give it a wash in mild blleach solution later today if i get chance and repeat, empty and let air dry. then rinse and wash in water and air dry again. then fill and run with carbon and water for a few days and test the water for copper. let it run until next weeekend and if happy start the scaping then add the filters and shrimp etc.

does that sound ok?
thanks for everyones help :good: :good: :good:
I'm not sure I would bother with the bleach, rinse, air dry thing - think I would go straight to just filling it up, heating the water and leaving for a while then testing, that way you know what you are dealing with right from the start :good: Remember to test the water first before putting in the tank, but if you have kept discus I dont have to tell you what is in normal tap water :sick: That way, if there is copper in there in small amounts you can run the carbon and test again to see if it is removing it all :good:

Seffie x
I'm not sure I would bother with the bleach, rinse, air dry thing - think I would go straight to just filling it up, heating the water and leaving for a while then testing, that way you know what you are dealing with right from the start :good: Remember to test the water first before putting in the tank, but if you have kept discus I dont have to tell you what is in normal tap water :sick: That way, if there is copper in there in small amounts you can run the carbon and test again to see if it is removing it all :good:

Seffie x
ok cheers, my current shrimp have lived happily for a year or so in just tap water so if there is a trace of copper in the water they must be ok with it.... ill run the carbon anyway just to be safe. :good:
the tank has been very well cleaned and is now currently running with 2 bags of carbon in the hood filter and nothing else. this will hopefully remove any nasties left in there...
ill leave it a day or so then start scaping it. ive currently got 2 pieces of bogwood covered in java moss in their current home and several wood pieces to try out. going for a playsand substrate as i have loads....
ive been and purchased 3 more saluwesi cardinal shrimps today so living in the tank will be-

loads of cherry shrimp
saluwesi cardinal shrimps
long nosed shrimp
panda corydoras
malaysian trumpet snails
red ramshorn snails

i did have crystal red shrimps and a few other saluwesi shrimps, cardinal and maroon but they havnt been spotted for a while so ill have to see if they turn up... i hope so as they are beautifull shrimps and werent cheap :crazy:

ill try post some pics if all goes well :good:
I've used copper in all my tanks at some point. I just made sure they ran for a while without any copper. Then I throw in some cherry shrimp. Never had an issue.
Looking forward to seeing the photos

Seffie x
well ive now added the sand substrate, 2 pieces of bogwood covered in moss a few small pebbles and a few plastic and silk plants until i can get some live plants :good:
just waiting for the water to clear then ill post a pic :good: its a shame it has to be in the garage out of sight..... :sad:

also just realised that ive not left any space for the sponge filter to go.... :angry:

looks like a 2nd scape is needed :lol:

the shrimp wont be added for another day or so as the water is still clearing and the in hood filter is still running with 2 bags of carbon in.... maybe tomorrow night :hyper:
just went in to the garage to check on the water clarity and its still a bit cloudy but ive taken a couple of pics anyway.... please feel free to comment and advise me before i add the shrimp etc :good:


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