Cooper2085's New Tank Journal

Nice tank!

I originally had my 4x2x2 as a planted setup and it was a pain in the #17##### planting that deep :lol: That's with me teetering on a stepladder, and I'm not a short #17##### at almost 5'10 :lol:

I would have soaked the bogwood for a few weeks beforehand to get rid of all the dirt/tannins/scum etc, but it will come out eventually with w/c and isn't harmful to the fish :good:

I had a 2.5ft high cube tank, and that was a pain to light. I had 4 x 39w T5's and that wasn't enough really.

I have two FX5's on my 6x2x2, does the job well.

Oh, cross posted!
i had the same Co2 ladder in my tank for quite a while, unless you double its length you will find you waste quite a lot of CO2, your best bet is to grab an inline diffuser otherwise you are going to be spending a fortune on the gas.







Fish are now in, i will be increasing the shoals as i go along!



More fish added now, however i think i may have made a mistake. We found that 11 of the Copper Rasboras we bought were infact Harlequin Rasboras. Not much difference but i can tell them apart and its annoying! And i cant catch them for the life of me.

We also added 15 Ember Tetras and they just blend in with the background and look dull.

Im going to stick some moss to the 3D background and get a long stick piece of bogwood to hand in the upper left of the tank. Il plant that wood and it should provide the fish with a nice shaded area and bring them away from the right side of the tank which is slightley more shaded at the moment because of large filter pipes.
I want this tank!

Check your ID thread Cooper. I've solved the mystery.
Currently not happy with the look of the tank. The bogwood is overpowering, it takes up so much space there seems to be no room for fish! Anyone got any ideas? The bogwood splits into three pieces I'm thinking of removing one.

The 3D background is also very very dark and needs something to brighten it up. To top things off the plants are not growing how I thought they would, there seems to be little to no growth now despite the Co2. I was expecting the stems to shoot up but they haven't.

Any advice is welcome :)
I felt the bogwood was also too big and i kinda had a feeling you might feel the same after a while! Sometimes less is more, which is a great lesson i have learnt while i've been doing my tank up. Not really sure what to suggest, i have a hard enough time piddling around with my own tank :|
if it was my tank i would remove the large round piece of bogwood on the right hand side and leave the large centre piece, then maybe put a few plants in its place? lovely tank by the way :good:
Yeah I was thinking the exact same. I'm also thinking of getting some twiggy driftwood and hanging it on the left of the tank planted for some shade.

I think the plant and fish choice don't help, I. Ended up with fish that blend in with the background :/
Remove the large piece of wood then attach a few anubias and java fern to the wood that is left, they will great when they grow in. Also add some plants around the wood like swords or vallis.

I don't think it is though, I have a little gold catfish group in the tank, there are only four of them. I bought them at an auction and can't remember what they are called!
You also could seperate the hairgrass to smaller bunches and plant them, it will spread faster :D
I would also recommend removing that awesome but big bogwood O: Just a suggestion though.

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