COOL FISH PICS... nominations???

:rolleyes: going crazy with pics!!!! :D :p :p


  • fishphotos2004_032.jpg
    39 KB · Views: 54
Was this one already nominated ????

I will second it if it was, if not, I nominate it!!!

Hope you don't mind, but instead of shrinking the whole pict. I cropped out the good stuff so you can see the little guy better!!

Great Picture!!!


The pictures look great, but i dont think that they would make FOTM... that guppy in your avaitor on the other-hand... thats a diffrent story!

FOTM for the avaitor!
Should there be a FOTM for "plain" fish? It always seems like only "pretty"(more exotic) fish like gouramis or angels win. I think the pic of the red serpae above is amazing, but I don't think he'd have a shot. Am I just completely wrong on this? :blink: Great pics GG. And great av ;) Keep 'em comin' :thumbs:
myenigmaself said:
Should there be a FOTM for "plain" fish? It always seems like only "pretty"(more exotic) fish like gouramis or angels win. I think the pic of the red serpae above is amazing, but I don't think he'd have a shot. Am I just completely wrong on this? :blink: Great pics GG. And great av ;) Keep 'em comin' :thumbs:
I agree with you. They should have a FOTM for "plain" fish.
55gallondude said:
myenigmaself said:
Nice pics, beautiful fish! Need to be a bit clearer for a nominaton though. Sorry ;)
More clearer would be better. :)
how can you judge somones fish on the picture , i have a crappy camera sticking up for my fellow crappy camera owners!!! lol i nominate it why not!?


Everyone is getting all confused about the competition.

Is it Photo of the month or Fish of the Month!!????? :lol:

why couldn't she enter?? For instance, the picture I cropped and sharpened is a very nice picture. Very colorful, clear and a nice looking fish!!!

I don't think there should be a "plain" fish of the month, but more like a Photo of the Month for awesome photo skills and artistic talent!!!

???????? :shifty: Someone BETTER agree with me damn it!!!




holy s***. those pics (above) are FOTM material. really REALLY nice pics. :kewlpics:

(most def, i will vote for you)

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