
Yep I'm afraid you either have 1 convict or a breeding pair of convicts to 1 tank.

I'm moving the other fish out of my convict tank today as there getting pretty knackered dashing away from the male all the time.

Even the Banjo cats have huddled up against the filter!!
Africans need diffrent water parameters then NW cichlids (In your case Convicts)and a con will still usually rally a african i know this because my friend has africans. You might be able to keep a large jewel with your con i hear they are pretty tough
Yellow labs would get the crap kicked out of them by a convict.

Infact any smaller african would. At work there's 1 of the male convicts i returned who ahd already killed his 2 mates a ale and a female convict so had the tank to himself then we moved some africans in with him as running out of space and he didn't take it lightly, we had to move them again within 10 minutes.
they come from different continents though and when they start spawning they will attack anything or anyone near the tank(mine have bitten my finger) Yellow labs need to be in an African Cichlid set-up with rocks and coral sand and a high ph. While convicts perfer gravel, rocks and wood, plants, and a lower ph value than africans. Although they are both very cool fish, they are just not compatable...simple as that.

You can have convicts and watch them breed in thier own tank, OR watch Yellow Labs in a species or African community tank. It would just be impractical and just not right to keep them together(its just not possible ;) )
I only have 1 though, i dont know if its male or female yet. I could always maybe try it. But thats unless he/ she destorys me currnet tank. Ill montier it if he gets mean I have to consider other options.
ferrikins said:
I once tryed keeping a Bichar in a 2 ft tank, I ended up lossinf alot of friends and having to leave a forum over it, I have since sold that tank, and had a brake of 6 months and started again, with another 2ft, a better more noligable person.
Lol ferri, I'm sorry, that one just made me laugh.

Most stores won't take con fry just so you know.

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