convict tank size


Fish Crazy
May 10, 2005
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United States
Do convicts do well singly (i.e.) as the only fish in the tank? Do they need to be kept in pairs, od do they do just as well on their own? If I were to have only one, what size tank would be appropriate? What should I use for decorations? What substrate?

Any and all replies are appreciated! Thanks!
Hi there :)
Iv just decided to keep convicts and been asking alot of questions.
From what iv gather males need to be kept by themselves or with a female(ul get lots of babies)
Or what im doing and keep 2 females togather
I have 2ft longx18in high and 12 inch wide tank and can keep one male or two females comfy
I planning on sand as they like to dig.The need hiding places and iv been and bought some terracotta potts
If you want live plants go for the robust kind as they generally like to eat plants aswell

Anything else I can help with just let me know
Just to chime in and offer a second opinion… domino1804
Has done his homework… good advice…
What if I were to buy only one and get a female instead of a male? Can female convicts be kept alone?

Also, what would you guys use for decorations in a convict tank?
a female will do just as well on her own as a male. Regarding decor... there are a world full of options out there for ya...
What if I were to buy only one and get a female instead of a male? Can female convicts be kept alone?

Also, what would you guys use for decorations in a convict tank?
MAle or Female they can be kept solo....As for decor make sure that everything is well seated as they like to dig and can become trapped under poorly placed decorations. If you are going to keep a single specimen i'd go with a female as they show more color and dont get quiteas big as the males.

I have a quick qeustion after reading this, sorry for adding in but some one said u will get babies. and i was only wondering if u had a male and a female together in a 2 ft tank with pots and gravel etc. how often would they produce babies. just curious.
magee - once every month IME, sometimes shorter. they breed like rabbits
imo, for long term care a male will do best in at least a 29 gallon, a female should do ok in at least a 20, and for a pair you're going to want something along the lines of a 3' tank (usually either 33 or 38 gallons). :)
i had 3 convicts in a 2 foot tank. decorated with loads of slate and making loads of hiding places, and they seemed perfectly happy for the yr i had them,

then unfortunately pipes burst when i was away for the night and died due to the power cut,

enjoyed keeping them tho, was interesting to watch
I think it's worthwile to mention that while Convicts can be kept singly, you get a better display of true fish behaviour if you get a pair, since they'll tend to interact with each other. I've been reluctant to house a pair together myself, though, because while you'll get a couple aberrations they are by nature quite aggressive; even some females can display a very nasty streak. If two don't happen to get along then at best you'll be looking at an isolation tank or a rehoming project for one of them (neither of which I, personally, can manage right now, but you very well could) and at worst a stressed/harried-to-death fish ;)

While a pair would likely do better together if you raise them from juveniles rather than popping them in at maturity, it all really comes down to how much room you have and how much you can afford to spend on tanks/equipment; the bigger the tank, the less chance of them clashing over territory issues.

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