Convict(s) lose in community


Aug 10, 2004
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ok so here's the deal, as I said before I worked at one of my local petsmart (there are three) well the one across town got in some convict cichlids and one had babies, and they informed me that they could not sell the fry and could only GIVE them out to associates (so free fish :)) right now they are about .75 inches and so I was thinking about getting 3 of them to put in my 29g temporarily, which is a community tank with 1 male sword 2 female swords 5 white skirts 1 skunk corie 2 panda cories and 2 otos, so since the cichlids are so small right now could I put them in there? The plan is for me to get a 30 gallon soon after christmas (febuary at the latest) so I'd like to move the fish from my 20g tank (6 rasporas 5 gold barbs 3 julii cories, 1 german ram) into the 30g and then the three convicts would be moved into the 20 gallon to live out the rest of their lives. so would this be a good plan? at what size would I have to get worried about these convicts being to aggressive for my 29g community tank (remember they're like month or 2 old fry that are about .75" at most) any advice would be great

Thanks guys,
i would get that 30 gal asap if you choose to get the convicts.
i think if most of them are males if they get up to 2 inches they will begin to become aggressive any cichlid keepers please correct me if i am wrong
how fast do convicts grow? (I'm sure I'll continue researching them before I bring them home but thought you guys would be a quicker more reliable source of info (as I trust most of you guys' word on this board))
they grow pretty fast, they max out at 6" but when there 2" there just nasty no other none cichlids will live with them.
I'm not sure how fast they grow, but i do know if you keep 3 in a 20 gallon, or even a 29 gallon, two will most likely pair up and kill off the third one. You'll also most likely have a fry problem as they are very... "busy at it"
At my work we got in convict fry aswell.

I took 5 of them home and kept them in a 70 litre for about a month, they then got a bit bigger when i moved them to a 100litre. Soon after that they had a litle growth spurt when there sexes were made clear.

1 week ago i spotted eggs, the pair then became very agresive to the other remaining convicts, these were swiftly removed and taken back to work.

the eggs have since hatched and are free swimming fry.

in all it's taken about 2.5 months for the babies i bought to become killers and rapid breeders!!

the dominant male that took over at work then killed the other female i had.

if you plan to do this you will have until aorund beginning of feb to remove them i reakon and it is best to get 5-6 to make sure u have a pair in that lot.

Right now the male is touch under 2inch and the female is touch over 1inch!

hope this helps.
paul thanks that helps alot coming from someone with experience, thanks for your input it will be taken to heart and will probably become my plan of action thank you.

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