Convict Eggs


Fish Fanatic
Apr 15, 2004
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I have a convict pair in my 29 gallon and the female layed eggs in a little cave ornament. But I didn't think about the size of the ornament and the male couldn't fit so I think the eggs are no good. A few days ago they were a brown color now they are a white color. I was thinking she would move the eggs out of the cave so he could fertlize them...This would have been there 3rd batch. So should I try to get the eggs out or just leave them? Thanks
its too late for him to fertalize them if they are white, just take that cave out so she will have to spawn somewhere else next time
Thanks! I will put something bigger in there that he can fit in too!
The ebst thing to do is to just leave the eggs alone and let them do it for you. Once they get it down pat they'll have no problems and are actually very good parents. Just from my experience i'd have a divider on hand just in case you see extreme aggression....I have to speerate my cons everytime because the male is just to protective and will turn on the female. I seem to have the bad luck of getting extremely bad tempered fish so you may luck out.


Edit: You may have already seen this but if not it may help a little.Convict
Well with this last batch the female was really agressive towards the bigger male. She was flaring at him a lot. I put a different ornament in there so he can fit into the cave. Hoping she lays more eggs. Thanks D R
Once they start its impossible to stop wuthout removing one of them....Just give them some TLC and time and the'll produce for you. What do you plan to do with the fry??...It can become overwhelming if you don't have a viable/reliable way to deal with them.

I plan on giving some of them to a friend that wants to start an aquarium for his little boy. And my gf also called Petland and they said they would give us store credit for them but everytime she calls they don't need any. Kinda hard to get rid of them cuz they arent exactly rare. lol And I also have a 120 gallon tank that has several cichlids so I feed the fry to them a few times a week.
Chad08 said:
I also have a 120 gallon tank that has several cichlids so I feed the fry to them a few times a week.
While it seems a bit cruel it is the best way to deal with the fry unless you can find an IFS that will take 50-100 baby cons every few weeks.


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