Convict Cichlids


New Member
Dec 6, 2011
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hey guys,
I was wondering what you guys think of putting two female convicts together. I want to keep two females together in their own tank. I also dont want lots of babies that I can't get rid of :p
Would this be alright, two females living together with no males ?
and also what would the minimum tank size be?

tanks guys
Convicts are beautiful but are horrible, I would advise you didn't. Even the females. I got a male and a female and they both just pick on all the other tank mates and each other. The female is in a 75 gallon tank and still feels the need to pick on everyone. I had to put the male in my 10 gallon alone until I take them to get rid of them. They are awesome to look at though.
The Convict is a fish I have no desire to keep ever lol
I bought some convicts today because like you all said, they are really nice to look at. I have a large male and three medium sized females. Will they breed and if so would the other females interfere?
i love convicts and have kept many over the years, if you have one male and three females the male will mate with one of the females and the others will be killed almost guaranteed.
if i was you i would wait until a pair forms and remove the other females.
Ok thanks for that! I would of kept them in there otherwise! Are they good parents usually?
Ok thanks for that! I would of kept them in there otherwise! Are they good parents usually?
They are fantastic parents, to the point they can and will kill anything else in their tank, fish much bigger than themselves, unless it's huge. They will breed every few weeks or so given the chance, they are like brutal guppies! They are very hardy, good looking, fantastic parents, and a bit of a nightmare.
Great to watch though!
my convicts never fighted atall i had 5 all s good as gold
Ok few mixed reviews I'll play the waiting game and zee what happens before taking action. Also how will I know when a breeding pair has formed?

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