Convict Cichlid Mating Tank Setup! What Do You Think?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2009
Reaction score
Grand Rapids , MI
hey, i'm going to be starting to try adn breed convicts soon. I know thats not any sort of an accomplishment but i thought i should start somewhere and plus this will provide continous feeder fish for my main african mbuna cichlid and live feeding tank. I have a 55 gallon that i plan to only keep a pair of convicts in.
right now i have just the tank set up with out the fish. I have two OTB filters, a large air stone, and a power head. the substrate is a medium sized gravel . it is aquascaped with tennesee rock and clay pots. the live plants i have in the tank are numerous java ferns and one amazon sword. also i have just a basic 48 inch flourescent daylight bulb and blue LEDs ( for moonlight effect). below are some pictures of the set up so far. any opinions or help about the tank setup? will it work for breeding convicts? is there anything i should change?

view of the entire 55 gallon going to be used for two convict cichlids


some baby java ferns i am hoping will develope and naturally grow out on the rocks


another clump of young java fern, and one of three caves


caves that im hoping the convicts will spawn in
Hi you might be better changing to sand as they like to dig about and make caves and hide aways mine are always digging

but it does look very nice mate i really like it
Hi you might be better changing to sand as they like to dig about and make caves and hide aways mine are always digging

but it does look very nice mate i really like it
THANKS! yea i know i sat for a long time and debated to go with sand or gravel. while i like the look of sand much better in most of my tanks and i know the convicts might be happier in sand, i also know it is just harder to keep clean and also shows its dirtiness faster. but thanks for the advice, maybe i will consider swiching if i have trouble spawning when i get the cons
looks great, very nice! should be a prime tank for two convicts. Best of luck!
perfect tank i think, my convicts are always digging, theyve created a small version of the himalays in my tank lol, gonna try finding a nice plant pot for them to spawn in, but gotta saw, gorgeous tank mate well done.
you wont have trouble spawning. theyre convicts. they will breed in a zip top bag if you let them. hahaha.

very nice set up BTW
THANKS! :good: I'm really looking forward to getting my convicts soon and hopefully will see some spawning after a few weeks. what do you guys think i should do for a fry tank? i have debated putting a divider in, putting 10 gallon in the bottom of the stand and filtering it like a sump to my 55 gallon. or just having a seperate 20 gallon tank setup to show of the little guys. im really stuck on what to do, and how long should the fry stay in the main tank with the parents? thanks in advance! :D
id suggest a seperate tank for sure, a good size tank also as youll end up with a lot of fry, not a lot of people around my area want convicts, they become quite a neusance lol

id setup another tank for the lil guys and use a hose to siphon them out when they are free swimming then grow them on in the other tank
Wow thats almost too good a setup for Cons Lol

I wouldn't change anything tbh, and I would stock it with 2-3 Females and 1 Male
nice tank 55G just for convicts lucky cons and the plant pots will be a keen place for them, also like above get a few femals to one male then he will pick one, but then try and re house the other females as they will get bullied to death nice tank btw
:p just grab a male and female and thye will do the deed guarenteed.

My mates Convict decided to impregnate his Texas and his Firemouth at the same time lmao!
Nice set up, your convicts will love you. As you have gathered by now, convicts will spawn on a wet sponge, so what you have done for them is a palace. Good luck with your fish and your spawnings.
HEY guys EXCITING news, if all goes well I plan on getting my pair of convicts tomorrow. the tank has been cyclying for three weeks and the live plants have been in there for two weeks. i dont have any strips so i cant test the ph/ nitrate/ etc levels. which i uess i should prob do to be safe. is there anythin else i should do to ensure the fishes welfare?

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