Convict Cichlid Breeding Pair?

well i put the one parrot in the convict tank and finally the convicts started being aggresive towards the parrot lol so i guess they will only be agressive towards cichlids or other semi agressive fish lol so i had to take the parot out and put it back in the other tank ill prolly return the one parrot on monday should it survive that long
yeah cichlids can be more aggressive towards other cichlids, they're kinda like dogs, can be fine with all other animals but when another dog gets in its territory they can get aggressive quick.

it's because they are more likely to see fish in the same family as competition and animal instinct is to remove the competition..
ya haha well i ended up taking both parrots back and got an albino tiger and a peacock eal and my normal oscar and the albino are quite friendly with each other
well ive got like 15 of the convict fry that just hatched i assume the other 40 something eggs were eaten cuz they werent going to hatch cuz i dont see any more of the eggs.
what do you plan on doing with the fry when they get older?
i just found like 20 more of the fry the mom had them on a wall that i couldnt see in the cave and well i plan on selling them assuming i can even find people to buy them otherwise i will take them to petco and give them to the store
sounds good, and now you have to be careful because if another fish gets to close to a fry then the convicts can get extremely defensive and possibly even kill some fish if they think they're a threat.

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