Converting from freshwater


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2005
Reaction score
western NC
ok my friends have been trying to convince me that saltwater is much better than fresh. i have everything brand new, except the tank, for a freshwater community. what else will i have to purchase and do to make my tank suitable for saltwater fish ?
Just starters....what size is your tank? Depends on what your qoing to keep in it. If you are going total reef:

Live rock
Live sand
Powerheads, depending one what you are going to keep
Protein skimmer
Sea Salt
thermometer/temp probe
Marine test kit..ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, Ca,
source of pure water...RO/DI unit or premixed SW or distilled
lighting...depending on what you are going to keep

Just a starter list...there can be much more added. SH
hey, yea it is a 40gallon BR tank. i dont know what live sand is, but yea i want some sand, im interested in live plants, but not really live rock right now, i dont know much about saltwater, so i guess thats what im trying to get at.
i have a freshwater setup and need to know what i should do to make it ok for salt. dont know what a skimmer or hydrometer or powerhead is. sorry
i have the heater and im sure i would get th test kit and i have a temp. gauge and ill get sand, so im not sure what im talking about so anything hee will help me out
Hi there

Firstly you need to stop apologising, we are all here to learn from & share

40g is a no bad size for a 1st Full Salt Tank

I will answer your questions in the order you asked/stated

Live Sand

Live Sand is just as the name suggests Sand that has been seeded with Microbale (sp) life, this will help your tank cycle and will feed any Inverts you get (ie Crabs, Starfish etc) (No where near as important as Live Rock)

Post Regarding Live Rock

Live Rock (IMO) is an absolute must for a Marine Tank, this the way of filtering your system have a read of
Post I replied to a couple of days ago, you can use a traditional Interal/External Filter to take care of the Bio-Filtration
But it is far easier, nicer, more natural to use that approprite amount of LR to keep you paremeters in sync, you will need some
form of rock for your fish to Hide, graze from/in and there is no better rock for a marine tank than FULLY CURED LIVE ROCK

IMO you will need about 20 - 25 kg of Live rock for this Tank

Skimmer I Recommend

A skimmer is another type of filtration it is an absoulte must (IMO) for a good tank, a skimmer removes uneaten food, and waste products from the tank (Proteins)
Now these proteins will always be in your tank, due to the fact that there is live in teh tank that neeeds to feed & poop, if left unattended these proteins will become toxic and kill all you livestock, so to stop this you must Protein Skim your tank and the instument to do this is a Tube/Box with tank water where air is constantly pumped throught it, on the top of this is a collection cup that collects the waste from your water (and boy is there waste, it is quite unbeleivable how much gunge actually comes out of a tank in a week)

New Skimmers use a pump to pump water throught the bottom of the Tube/Box and through a VENTURI Inlet, this causes millions of bubble in the water and basically the proteins are trapped on the bubble surface and as the foam/bubbles build it overspills and is deposited in to the cup, the cup will hold the Skimmate and isneeds to be cleaned regualarly, the skimmate should be either dark green (or black) and will smell real bad

Also with an overrated Skimmer you will be able to keep a slightly higher stocking level

Hydrometers & Refractometers

This is a plastic Swing arm device that will measure the specific gravity of your tank, and thus telling you the salt level (should be about 1.026)
IMO Hydrometers are Rubbish and I persoanlly only use a Refractometer, easier to use and a lot more accurate (more expensive thought)


These are simply look like Filters without any media, they are designed to move water around your tank, using the Berlin System (Live Rock, Skimmer) you will need to circulate your water over/around your Live Rock to feed the Benaficial Bacteria that colonise there, powerheads will do this for you.

IMO I would be looking to circulate the total tank volume about 20 -25 x (so around 4000 - 5000 lph) using I would suggest no leass than 3 powerheads (This will make sure that there are no dead spots in the tank (ie Rock that has little or no circulation over)

Heater: -

For a 40g tank I would use 2 x 150w heaters for a couple of reasons,

1 - I wouldnt trust just using one heater
2 - I will give a more even temp spread

Also the most important thing is Reading & Asking Questions

So Read & Ask Away


Ps most of the Headings above a clickable and will show you a pic/description of what I mean
All that and I forget to mention Lighting

This will depends on what you plan on keeping: -

If you are only going for a FOWLR & Soft Corals, you will only need a basic Lighting Setup something like These (These Fit under the hood) or These

If you are going to have Hard Corals, Clams or other HP Light Lovely Animals then I would sugegst something along These lines

Most of the site I have linked to as UK based, are you UK or US Based
Can you not get away with a biofilter, internal or external, instead of live rock and power heads but still keep the skimmer?
Yeah you can go down that way : - External/Internal filter with Sponge/Wool etc. but IMO if you are going to go Marine then really you need to do it seriously and (IMO) that is the Berlin System, this (IMO) is a more stable, easier maintained and the most natural system which is (IMO) better for the health of the fish, there is no need to worry about cleaning out filters or toxins being dumped into the system if you use Live Rock and you will need to have some sort of rock in the tank anyway so IMO I would only use Live Rock (or if cash is a stumling block a mix or Live Rock / Reef Bones)

Also you miss out on the bio-diversity of using Live Rock - Only yesterday, I found a Starfish in one of my tanks that I hadnt added anything to for at least 4 months, It had obvioulsy came with some rock I added and had been hidden since - also things like sponges, corals, snails, crabs & even fish have been found in live rock


:D :D
Hey i just want to say thanks for all that great info. it really did help me understand things a lot better.
I really like this saltwater setup idea, i am not sure i am ready to go through with it, i think i might make my 40gallon a cichlid tank like i had already planned,
but my question here is, can i turn my 10gallon into a small salt tank, just to keep a couple cute things like some clown fish and an eel or something cool for my girlfriend ( but i would take care of it )
is there a way to do that or would i have to get the same things as i would making my 40gallon a salt tank ?
Hi ther TBH I wouldnt recommend a 10g tank as a 1st Salt tank, for the main reason - Lack of water, you would constantly be topping it up and trying to stabalise the temp would drive you crazy, Salt fish need some form of stability that fresh water fish simply dont and although a 10g is Possible (I have a 10g fresh that I am concidering changing in to a Nano salt) I would say for a newbie it would end in distaster

TBH, the 40g is the way to go and then the nano if you want it then but defo not the other way


:blink: :blink:
alright alright, im not sure right now i would be good at keeping a salt tank up to par for the fish, i might want to learn more and get another tank ! haha thats always a good thing too
Hey you still havent told us if you are US oUK based

Come on dont be Shy

:lol: :lol: :lol:
No reason really just beeing nosy, and most of the links I supplies above are for UK Sites

But just wondering, let us know how the tank comes along in whatever guise it is in, thanks for the questiosn BTW


:D :D
To play the other side of the coin, it is not impossible to set up and successfully run a 10 G 'nano reef'. Some people are actually doing 'pico' reefs, tanks under 5 gallons. Mine is 24G. However, the posts above are IS a lot of work and there is not much margin for error. There is always at least five minutes worth of work to do on it daily. SH

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