Controlling Algae in a DP Tank


Fish Addict
Aug 13, 2004
Reaction score
Erie, Pennsylvania
I have a massive outbreak of algae coating the plants, rocks and side of the tank. Normally I'd just toss a trio of otos in there ... always seems to work ... but with the dwarf puffers I know it's not an option. Nor would an apple snail be an option.

I've been trying to limit the hours of light in the tank, but at the same time, I don't want to leave it off too much because I know the DPs like bright light. It hasn't been helping though. So other than scrubbing the tank with an alage-mit thing, does anyone have any other suggestions?
Actually, I believe dwarf puffers like dim light? ... Someone clarify this :p

I've been battling the same problem for over 2 months here now. I don't wanna add any chemicals, so I've just been removing the algae from the glass every week (because by then I just couldn't see in anymore) and have given in to the fact of there being algae on everything else.

If your tank is big enough, you could try a bristlenose catfish. According to many people, it's possible to keep them in with puffers. I wouldn't try this if you don't have room to re-home your puffer though.
I've actually heard some people say they have good luck with otos in with the DPs, as well as the bristlenose. If you want to try it though I'd just make sure you keep a close eye on them and have a place to put them (or return them) in case the DPs pick on them.
Oh hm... maybe I'm confusing DP's with another type of puffer when it comes to the lighting!! I was thinking I read somewhere that because they hunt visually (or something) they need bright light? I could very well have it all mixed up though!!

Maybe I could try a few otos... I can always move them to my 20 gallon with my other otos if it doesn't work out. I just hate to take the risk...
Yup, you're right ... I just did my research, and figured out I'm simply wrong. No clue where I got my information from then! But very glad to be corrected now :)

I'd personally not try ottos, simply because they're so small. A couple of nips will be fatal to the ottos, where as a bristlenose will hardly notice it and stand up for himself. If you still have room in your 20G, I'd try the bristlenose. I just wouldn't go for ottos... though, it has been done.
I keep ottos in with my dwarves with no problems...the dwarfs ignore them because they don't move around much.
Never tried otos with our Dwarfs, but we have a couple of bristlenoses in there and they do a sterling job.
Thanks for all your help everyone. I really appreciate it. I think I'm going to stop by the LFS and see if they have any bristlenoses in stock and go from there!
i've done ok with both otos and spotted rubbernose plecs with DP's (and red-eyes too). the otos didnt seem to make much of a dent on the algae (it was getting pretty heavily coated as theres a plant-gro light as well as the normal tube in the hood), but the rubbernose plecs cleaned up the tank pretty well within a couple of days of being added.

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