Continuing My Research


Official Forum Weirdo Detective
Jul 14, 2007
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Please could experienced owners write a brief note about the temprament of the following cichlids:


I think it's only the top 2 that are considered anywhere near peaceful (unless spawning) but would just like it confirmed :good:
ELLIOTI CICHLID--peaceful<not kept them but read alot and similar i beleive to firemouths
JEWEL CICHLID--agressive
GREEN TERROR--agressive but depends on tank mates
JACK DEMPSEY--semi agressive also depends on tank mates
FRONTOSA--not kept these
TEXAS CICHLID--semi agressive depends again on tank buddys...

this is just from my exsperiences with them, all cichlids have different temperments :huh:
JEWEL CICHLID--agressive
GREEN TERROR--agressive but depends on tank mates
JACK DEMPSEY--semi agressive also depends on tank mates
FRONTOSA--not kept these
TEXAS CICHLID--semi agressive depends again on tank buddys...

this is just from my exsperiences with them, all cichlids have different temperments :huh:

Thanks Nelly, just as I thought, the Green Terror, Jack Dempsey and Texas Cichlids all get rather large right?
RAINBOW CICHLID--peaceful-------------mid sized
ELLIOTI CICHLID--peaceful-------------mid sized
JEWEL CICHLID--agressive--------------mid sized
GREEN TERROR--agressive but depends on tank mates-------large sized
JACK DEMPSEY--semi agressive also depends on tank mates--------large sized
CONVICT--agressive-------top of mid sized
FRONTOSA--not kept these--------large sized
TEXAS CICHLID--semi agressive depends again on tank buddys...-----large sized

hope it helps

mid is around 4-6inch

large is around 8-12 inch
Brill thanks again matey
jewel cichlids and frontosa are both african cichlids so u should be careful of their water chemistry requirements, particularly the frontosa
ELLIOTI CICHLID: Gorgous cousin to the firemouth, fantastic bold colourfull fish, cheeky and full of mishchief. Although aggressive when spawning they only tend a small area and most of the behaviour is all display and bravado, not known any of my Ellioti cause any injuries when they spawned as long as the other fish stay away. I have 20 youngsters in with keyholes and a lone platty, easier to mix with others than the firemouth.

JEWEL CICHLID Didnt have them long as they were given to me but nasty little blighters, ended up having to put them with my little turtle till I re-homed them as they went for all my other fish.

CONVICT Aggressive, needs to be kept with bigger cichlids than itself, even then it will still have a dig or to. If breeding use a seperate tank as they are really grouchy.

FRONTOSA. Beautiful peaceful big fish, can be very skittish and easily upset, although most people say then can be mixed with others I believe this is only sigularly as I have tried mixing them and they get really upset with other fish, especially bottom feeders plecs etc. Really best kept as a single species tank in a group. I have 5 young ellioti in with mine (running out of room) but they will be moved soon.

TEXAS CICHLID I Love these guys, although can be classed as agressive I have a group (yeah big no no) but they seem to be working out fine so far, biggest is now around 6-7" so not full grown. Like the Ellioti I have only seen threatening posturing towards each other and the convicts, but the convicts start it usually. There are different sorts of Texas I have Herichthys carpintis, which is the calmer sort, very beautiful, a wonderful "wet pet" as all mine hand feed, but as they get bigger so do their teeth, had a couple of chunks taken out of my knuckles by accident.

Trouble with cichlids is they all have thier own temprements, you can get a very quiet convict (like my female). I am sure others will tell you its down to the individual fish sometimes.
ELLIOTI CICHLID: Gorgous cousin to the firemouth, fantastic bold colourfull fish, cheeky and full of mishchief. Although aggressive when spawning they only tend a small area and most of the behaviour is all display and bravado, not known any of my Ellioti cause any injuries when they spawned as long as the other fish stay away. I have 20 youngsters in with keyholes and a lone platty, easier to mix with others than the firemouth.

I wish you weren't in Birmingham, I really wanted a couple of Ellioti to finish off my tank
I wish I wasnt in Birmingham :lol:
I wish I was. Used to live in redditch and even though it's not the greatest place, it's where my friends are.

You never realise how good a place is until you leave. Aaah the nights spent in subs at the academy...
ELLIOTI CICHLID: Gorgous cousin to the firemouth, fantastic bold colourfull fish, cheeky and full of mishchief. Although aggressive when spawning they only tend a small area and most of the behaviour is all display and bravado, not known any of my Ellioti cause any injuries when they spawned as long as the other fish stay away. I have 20 youngsters in with keyholes and a lone platty, easier to mix with others than the firemouth.

I wish you weren't in Birmingham, I really wanted a couple of Ellioti to finish off my tank

if you can get over to rayleigh mel swallow aquatics there have got a few elliotti .
ELLIOTI CICHLID: Gorgous cousin to the firemouth, fantastic bold colourfull fish, cheeky and full of mishchief. Although aggressive when spawning they only tend a small area and most of the behaviour is all display and bravado, not known any of my Ellioti cause any injuries when they spawned as long as the other fish stay away. I have 20 youngsters in with keyholes and a lone platty, easier to mix with others than the firemouth.

I wish you weren't in Birmingham, I really wanted a couple of Ellioti to finish off my tank

if you can get over to rayleigh mel swallow aquatics there have got a few elliotti .

Great thanks, how much?
cant remember i think they were about 3 or 4 quid

Ooh thanks! I just went to Brentwood to buy more sand, they had firemouths in a tank, but half of them were spotty (true firemouths) and half were faintly stripey, they said they were a replacement for something else, I asked if they were Ellioti and they said they didn't know, I remember seeing some juvis online that were stripey, how can they not know!

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