im not the jedi i should be
you mean this one? i kept my first bettas in this...while they died a slow and painful death-but i did have 2 in there with those plants taking up all of the room too. (i didnt know any betterbittersweet said:i think the aqua view hex's they sell are really good, they are one gallon and come with a light and undergravel filter (that I always take out, its useless) and are perfect for a betta. I dont reccomend using a lees small bettahex but I do have one of my bettas in one and he is happy, but he is also young and very small so he has plenty of room, and its about 1/3rd of a gallon, not 1/5th lol

i just compared it to a 1/4 gal kritter keeper and its about the same size, maybe a few ounces smaller.