Constipated Betta

great. if you dont notice an improvement within a few days, treat him with an anti-internal bacterial med. just to e sure.
is he having trouble with his ballance? any other notable change in behavior?
I can't tell if he's having trouble with his balance, but I can see maybe a little, since his tummy his huge.

I just tried flaring him...and he went would i know if its a bacterial infection? Isn't it bad to treat him without knowing the cause...

I'm afraid the photos look to me like your fish does have dropsy :sad: I can see slight pineconing in both the above pics, bettas seem so prone to this horrid illness nearly all the bettas I have lost has been down to dropsy and I'm afraid there is nothing that can be done to cure it apart from trying to make him comfortable by giving regular epsom salt baths. One of my girls Luna is suffering from this now and it is more advanced than in your fish, I have started her on antibacterial meds but only after I had noticed the pineconing so it will be too late to save her, she was rather bloated before hand but I put this down to her being eggy :sad: still I will give her regular epsom baths and keep her comfortable till her demise, she is still eating like a trooper and interested in her surroundings.
the color of the poo depends on what theyve been eating. usually it is brown/pinkish if they have been eating pellets, more green tinge if theyve had peas recently.
the white and mucuosy poop is also a sign of constipation (as well as internal parasites), so it is difficult to determine exactly what is going on. does his belly look any better? or is he still really fat? (and TBH, he doesnt look pineconed in a traditional dropsy sense from your pics, he just looks fat. his belly sticking out can make the scales raise a can a fish with slime disorder have slightly pineconed scales...with dropsy, the scales are usually raised all over).
i would try and get a wormer and see if that helps. is his spine bent at all (can also be sign of internal parasites)? is his belly the same "roundness" on both sides, or is one side bigger than the other(also an indicator of internal parasites)? keep feeding him peas and fasting. dont give him "regular" food until his bloating is under control. if a wormer doesnt work, antibacterial internal med. with epsom salt baths then youve covered all the bases.
keep us updated.
Hey loraxchick,

So I just came back from a trip for 5 days. I still haven't fed him, and he is still bloated. One side does seem a bit bigger than the other side of his belly, but it is very hard to tell until I stare at him for a good minute. I gave him a 30 min salt bath on the 24th, but I don't think that it helped. I feel like of all things, he is constipated, because he is swimming around fine, begging for more food,and being his usual self but I'm just going to give him a pea, and a salt bath and see how he does tomorrow.

If it is an internal parasite, what do I give him?

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