Constipated Betta


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2009
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Hi guys,

So my betta is crazy....A few days ago I saw that he was a bit bloated, so I didn't feed him for two days, and then gave him a pea..which he ate like there was no tomorrow. I starved him for another two days...and then gave him another pea....which he again gobbled!...Now his stomach is getting bigger and bigger because he has two peas in him...but isn't pooping!....He seems to have trouble swimming with a big belly....I tried flaring him, he would usually poop when I did that, but now he isn't doing that. What should I do!? Thanks!
i wouldnt us eposom for constipation. epsom salt draws OUT fluids. conditpation is due to the body retaining all the water it can (ie poop is hard to "push" thru the digestive tract as it is "dry" and not a normal consitancy). if it were constipation, drawing fluids OUT would make the matter worse.
id suggest just not feeding him for a few days, not even peas as they are already in his system, so give them a chance to work. and see if that helps. but keep in mind that bloating can be from other casues- internal parasites, internal bacterial infection or the dreaded dropsy.
what sort of food do you feed him as staple, how much and how often.
Thanks for correcting me loraxchick i think i must have confused something i read that Wilder posted about constipation with something she said about epsom salts :/
Hi thanks for helping out,

I feed him flakes and pellets. I recently added flakes to his diet, used to feet him only pellets, and this has never happened before..I checked for signs of dropsy...His scales are definitely not sticking out. Not even at his stomach. He has all jittery and happy, and being himself and still likes to dart out for food.

I feed him 2 pellets and a few flakes a day....

So, I guess I just won't feed him for a couple days now....ugh ...i hate waiting...
Sorry to hear your boy is poorly, you seem to be doing everything correct, have you checked the water stats to see if this has been brought on by anything in the water? A small suggestion you could soak his food in garlic juices (can be bottle bought or prepare yourself) and feed the same to him, this will help his immunity and if it is a small blip help on way to recovery. I have just had a case of dropsy myself and scales sticking out really showed early on so hope it isnt this x
Thanks for correcting me loraxchick i think i must have confused something i read that Wilder posted about constipation with something she said about epsom salts :/
epsom alst is used to treat popeye and dropsy (both have buildup of fluid in the tissues). a really boated betta can be from a number of things, so epsom salts would cover the bases, but in a truely constipated betta, it would make the situation worse.

to the OP-
sounds like youre feeding him properly. just keep up with the peas and starving until you notice he has pooped (try to flare him everyday as well-mine always seem to "go" when flared with a mirror).. and if you do see them poo, take note of the color- white stringy or mucucsy poop is a sign of something sinister (internal bac. infection/parasites)...just to make sure his bloating isnt from something else :)
best of luck
Thanks for correcting me loraxchick i think i must have confused something i read that Wilder posted about constipation with something she said about epsom salts :/
epsom alst is used to treat popeye and dropsy (both have buildup of fluid in the tissues). a really boated betta can be from a number of things, so epsom salts would cover the bases, but in a truely constipated betta, it would make the situation worse.

to the OP-
sounds like youre feeding him properly. just keep up with the peas and starving until you notice he has pooped (try to flare him everyday as well-mine always seem to "go" when flared with a mirror).. and if you do see them poo, take note of the color- white stringy or mucucsy poop is a sign of something sinister (internal bac. infection/parasites)...just to make sure his bloating isnt from something else :)
best of luck

I think in my tired state i confused bloating from dropsy and bloating from constipation, my bad :blush:
Hey guys,

So it has been three days now..and he still hasn't pooped..I haven't fed him anything...Here are a couple pictures...any signs of dropsy maybe?





He's swimming around fine....wants food...I usually change his water every two weeks...but I changed his water today....after a week. Help!
dont feed him again tomorrow. if he still hasnt pooped, on the next day (tues) try the Epsom salt (found at any pharmacy or/drugstore/grocery is magnesium sulfate) bath at 1 Tablespoon/gal. can leave him up to 30 minutes in the bath.
i wouldnt rule constipation out yet..but ok to start with the baths.
keep an eye out for his poop and notice if it is white, stingy or mucousy.
dont feed him again tomorrow. if he still hasnt pooped, on the next day (tues) try the Epsom salt (found at any pharmacy or/drugstore/grocery is magnesium sulfate) bath at 1 Tablespoon/gal. can leave him up to 30 minutes in the bath.
i wouldnt rule constipation out yet..but ok to start with the baths.
keep an eye out for his poop and notice if it is white, stingy or mucousy.

Thanks! I'll do that...
great. if you dont notice an improvement within a few days, treat him with an anti-internal bacterial med. just to e sure.
is he having trouble with his ballance? any other notable change in behavior?
great. if you dont notice an improvement within a few days, treat him with an anti-internal bacterial med. just to e sure.
is he having trouble with his ballance? any other notable change in behavior?
I can't tell if he's having trouble with his balance, but I can see maybe a little, since his tummy his huge.

I just tried flaring him...and he went would i know if its a bacterial infection? Isn't it bad to treat him without knowing the cause...
it is not a good idea to treat without knowing what is going on..that is why you try peas first and see if it helps. also why i said wait a day or two more.
thats good that hes flaring. keep doing that for a few minutes at a time, give him a break and then let him go at it again. MANY times flaring stimulates them to poop (mine anyway, and im sure other members can attest to this also). if it works, and makes him poo, you will be able to see if it is "normal" or if it is white, stringy or mucusy (then youd treat with antibac/or parasite meds). if it is "normal", hes likely just fat and constipated.
from you pics, he is bloated, but i dont see any signs of dropsy (ie pineconing). so that is a PLUS!
keep us updated.
I assume that "normal" poop is brown? My Betta hass been lethargic and hiding for two weeks. I quarantined him and gave him Tetra Lifeguard for 5 days. He dropped a white glob in the first day there but nothing else. I put him back and seemed better but after a few days he went back to hiding most of the time and doesn't come out and swim around like he used to. Tonight he pooped out another small white glob. I can't tell if he has an internal infection or whether it's a constipation issue. Any ideas?

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