Constipated again!!!

Well, I gave him a bit of Lima Bean... he snatched them up as if he hadn't eaten in a year! Goofy fish... he'd literally eat until he exploded! I think he got three little pieces... problem being, he would try to chase the pieces he missed, which of course, since the constipation is messing with his swim bladder, it was INCREDIBLY difficult for him. Now he's just laying on his side at the top. :( I hope he poos soon. :(
Do you have epsom salt in the house.
Awww.... Poor baby. Give him time. He'll poop eventually, now that he's had his greens. At least...he should.
Wilder said:
Do you have epsom salt in the house.
unfortunately, no... I have a bit of regular aquarium salt in his water now... if epsom salt would help, I bet I could find someone who has some. (I'm in a college dorm.)

What would I do with it? How much would I put in?
He's moving less and less... I hope I'm not losing him. :( I finally got some peas and gave him three little bites... he snatched those up like he hadn't eaten in a year, too. But now he's just laying on his side, and he only moves when I tap the side of the bowl right by his head. :(
The fact that he's eating the peas speaks well for him. Give him time.
Sakana :) that was my first betta's name. Cute little thing.

He might not be constipated anymore, but has nothing to expel since he's been fasted. I'd put him back on his regular diet, but bring him back slowly.
OrkyBetta said:
Sakana :) that was my first betta's name. Cute little thing.

He might not be constipated anymore, but has nothing to expel since he's been fasted. I'd put him back on his regular diet, but bring him back slowly.
Well, I fed him for three days after his fast, so there's gotta be SOMETHING in there. Plus, I just fed him Lima Bean and Pea today. :/
Kiarra said:
How's he doing? Pooped yet?
not yet. :( It's been 14 hours since I first noticed it, 6 hours since I gave him the lima bean, and 4 hours since the peas, and he's still on his side. :(
Poor baby. How distended is his belly? Does it look like he ate a marble? How well is he getting around?
Kiarra said:
Poor baby. How distended is his belly? Does it look like he ate a marble? How well is he getting around?
I don't know about a marble, but it is pretty big, and he's not getting around well at all. Poor baby... he tries, but just tires himself out and then goes right back to the top on his side.

Dropsy crossed my mind... I don't think that's what it is, as I don't see any pineconing, but I did put some salt, colloidal silver, and coppersafe in his water, just to make sure I have everything covered. I've also had this constipation problem twice before... The first time MAY have been dropsy or eating paint chips off his rocks: I don't know because I didn't ACTUALLY see him poop. But the second time, I KNOW it was constipation, and he acted and looked exactly like he does now. However, it didn't even take HALF this long for him to poop last time, and that was without any greens. :/
I hate to bring up a bad possibility, but... could he have a belly mass? I'm just thinking of it because that's what my fish Dave died of. He kept getting constipated, then one day the peas stopped working. His belly got bigger and bigger, he couldn't eat any more, and he died. When I did an "autopsy," a found a big, fleshy, blood speckled tumor that took up almost all of his poor little belly. No wonder he couldn't eat and had trouble passing BMs.
RandomWiktor said:
I hate to bring up a bad possibility, but... could he have a belly mass? I'm just thinking of it because that's what my fish Dave died of. He kept getting constipated, then one day the peas stopped working. His belly got bigger and bigger, he couldn't eat any more, and he died. When I did an "autopsy," a found a big, fleshy, blood speckled tumor that took up almost all of his poor little belly. No wonder he couldn't eat and had trouble passing BMs.
That would explain why this all started so suddenly... I've had him for 6 months, fed him on pellets, freeze-dried blood worms, and peas for that whole 6 months and never had a problem until a couple weeks ago. :( As much as I hate to believe it, I think that's a very strong possibility. :(

If he is not better tomorrow, should I put him to sleep? How does one do that painlessly? I don't want him to suffer any more than he already has. :(

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