constantly swimming against the current

Max Action

Fish Fanatic
Apr 18, 2004
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When a fish spends almost all its time swimming against the current from the filter until tired, then being drifted away by it, and then repeating it ... is it usually just the fish enjoying itself? Trying to escape? Not breathing well enough without water rushing past its gills? OCD?

Put a new blind cave tetra in yesterday, and after an hour or so of exploring and acting normal and looking for food, he started doing loops in the filter current and has hardly stopped since.

Anybody know anything about this behavior in general, or specifically about the blind cave fish and its usual antics?
Is you tank still cycling? Could be amonia or nitrite. But more than likely though, he may just like the current.
Im not sure if this is relevant but my guppies used to swim directly into the current from the filter and they were jsut playing, they did it constantly for about two years.
H Max Action :)

I enjoy my blind cave tetras a lot. They are always a good conversation starter whenever anyone sees them. :nod:

They are schooling fish, and should have at least 2 companions in the tank. That might help put him more at ease too.

Here's a link with information about them:
my platies,mollies and guppies especially like to swin against the current its quite funny to watch as they also have a go against the air stone :) all healthy fish had them for ages .

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