Considering Getting A Fighting Fish...


New Member
Feb 11, 2012
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I want a new fish in my tank to add a splash of colour to it since it looks a little dull, so I was considering getting a Siamese Fighting Fish. But I wonder whether it will be ok in my tank, I was wondering what you guys think.

Tank size: 24 Length, 15 Depth, 12 width. 14.81 Gallons/67.32 Litres (According to a sheet that came with the tank, thats roughly what it holds)
Inhabitants: 6 Neon Tetra, 2 Female Guppies and at least 12+ Cherry Shrimp. (they've been breeding like mad since I got them.)

I also have another empty tank thats currently cycling, buts its alot smaller than the one above, so I don't think it would be suitable for him. I think its roughly 30Litres?

What do you think? If I got a SFF would he be happy in my big tank?
If you put him in the big tank then he may eat the shrimp and attack the guppies due to their tails. I say may, as no two fish are the same. I would be tempted to set up the 30 litre with some plants and house him in there with some Pygmy Corydoras or a shoal of small fish such as Vietnamese Cardinals or Celestial Danios
I mostly agree with fishprotector. A betta would be perfectly happy in your smaller tank but if you wanted him in your bigger tank you could always give it a try as some bettas are fine with guppies and shrimp. People keep them together successfully all the time but have your smaller tank ready just in case it doesn't work out. :)

EDIT: Err after re-reading fishprotector's post I've said pretty much the same thing but in a different way! I need food lol
Contrary to much of what I read here, I have never had a problem putting a Betta splendens in a community setting of peaceful fish. I have kept my bettas over the last 40 years now with little or no troubles. They live to an average of well over 5 years of age and thrive when kept in an active peaceful environment. There must be a betta here and there that causes the extreme pessimism that I see expressed about them being kept with other fish but I have simply never experienced it.
You could always try him with the guppies, and if it didn't turn out, put him in the 30L. No two fish are the same, as others have covered. With the guppies being females, no doubt they are less colourful and attractive than males would be, which might help them to get along.
As fishprotector mentioned, there is a chance he'll eat the shrimp - or at least the young ones anyway. I've got young shrimp in my bettas tank atm and often see him trying to catch them if he finds one, though admittedly they are quite 'zippy' little things and get out of his way pretty quickly from what I've seen.
The 30L would make a nice home for him and some smaller 'tankmates' though if the community attempt didn't work out too well.
I have a male and female fighter fish with a lot of other fish in my 174 litre tank including 23 tetras and 7 guppies, both male and female.

Is your tank planted and are there any tunnels or caves for fish to hide in ? If so, I think you shouldn't have a problem with a fighter fish, unless you happen to pick up a super aggressive one !

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