Considering Getting A 20 Gallon


New Member
Apr 16, 2008
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Wilmington, NC USA
I am getting a new apartment in august and im interested in piecing together a 20 gallon aquarium. i wouldn't put a 29 gallon tank out of the question, but money is an issue. i would be piecing it together instead of going with a big kit tank. what is the average price range for everything i would need (tank, lighting, filter heater)? can it be done for under $150 US?
ya, def under 150... all depending on what brands and models you buy for equiptment, whether you buy a used or brand new tank and stand (if a stand is needed) and where you buy everything from. I have a good local shop with good prices on both new and used equiptment and very good stocking prices... usually.... but you just have to look in your area or if all else fails... use eBay... it could ultimatly be your best ally
To get the most out of your money id suggest doing some research and composing the tank yourself :) its very easy to just grab the big fancy tank that comes with everything pre-installed, dont, you end up paying more for sub-standard gear :)
Basic plain tank (clearseal etc), if its 20g you can either have a good internal or a small external, for internal is recommend maybe an eheim aquaball as there quite powerfull. Heater, well just anything thats rated for the size :) so about 100w. Lighting just a bog standard starter unit which you can upgrade if you want to add plants.
i would check out as well. I have had alot of luck with it in the past, as a matter of fact there is 75 gallon tank w/ stand marineland emperor filter hood python hose etc.... in my area for 150 bucks.... im soooo kicking mmyself right now. i wish i had the money and the space. good luck and let us know how it goes.
well i checked craigslist in my area and got nothing worth while. anyone have any sites for tanks?

and quick question to save me a search, could i do cichlids in a 20 or 29 gal?
You could go with Dwarf Cichlids like Rams, Apistogrammas etc. but not really anything bigger.
Another possibility would be a Tanganikyan set up with shell dwelling cichlids.

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