I used Seachem Flourish root tabs and had Co2 up and running and EI ferts calculated for that sized tank, EI ferts was added 3 times a week. The lights were two T5 tubes, pretty intense lights.
And every water change I added some Tropical Premium.
I think i know why you had algae issues. The central premise in EI is to have all elements the plants need in slight excess so that deficiencies don't develop. Then it is hopped that the plants could outcompete the algae for nutrients. CO2 and extra light are not required but they do speed up plant growth making it more likely you will succeed. If you don't use CO2 you need less fertilizer.
Tropical premium doesn't list the ingredients on line. But today I found a forum post about it and a person asked the company for the the nutrient list and then posted the reply. Below I compare the it to Flourish comprehensive which has a caused on of my anacharis to pearl in my small low tech aquarium. * indicates missing. - indicates missing but in your other EI fertilizers.
Tropical Premium:
Flourish Comprehensive:
I have been using RO water in my aquarium from day one. So I have a good idea what is in the water without testing. I know from experience just missing one nutrient Cu is enough to cause algae issues. I initially used Aqueon fertilizer and it didn't have Cu but was otherwise identical to Sachem. It proved to be a better algae fertilizer than a plant fertilizer.
I don't know why but most fertilizers lack at least one element. Even Tom Barr's EI method, or at least most EI fertilizers, don't have Calcium. My best guess is that most companies and Tom expect tap water to supply some of the nutrients. With CO2 and higher light and nutrients your water was probably depleted in calcium, chlorine, and sodium within a day of the water change. Wikipedia does have a good article listing all elements found in plants. Not all of which are essential:
My small aquarium worked well with Flourish comprehensive , I just had a small patch of hair algae and that refused to go away and since it was in a moss I could not remove it. However my aquarium occasionally went high in phosphates.
I decided earlier this year to switch Sachem trace and added flourish Iron, potassium, nitrogen thinking this would keep my phosphates under better control. Now all of the above doesn't have Ca or Mg but I have been adding claim carbonate, and magnesium carbonate for some time for my snails and shrimp. Technically it is soluble in water but only in small amounts. Only my Anacharis is growing and the snails and shrimp are doing well. My other plants aren't doing much and the hair algae has spread throughout the tank.
While researching your problem I might have figured out my issue.I am now thinking that while the carbonate is soluble, plants might not be able to use it. And according to Wikipedia article above calcium deficiency can affect root development before it affects the rest of the plant. My Anacharis has good roots. but at least one plant doesn't. I don't know on the others because I cannot see enough without pulling them out. I have put some calcium chloride on order to resolve that.
So thank you for helping me.