Connecting Two Tanks?


Marine Keeper..
Apr 20, 2009
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Well in a previous post I saw a link where a person connected two tanks together by some piping.

Im wondering if I can do this with my 60L + 40L tanks?

I asked my dad but he said because they are different sizes the bigger tank will force water into the small tank causing stress on the glass and break it.

Is this true?
Well in a previous post I saw a link where a person connected two tanks together by some piping.

Im wondering if I can do this with my 60L + 40L tanks?

I asked my dad but he said because they are different sizes the bigger tank will force water into the small tank causing stress on the glass and break it.

Is this true?

If they're the same height, no.

Its a pointless novelty idea though, which means you'll need two lots of filtration etc. Not worth the hassle - better to just buy a bigger tank.
as long as the water level is the same hieght like top og tank to top of tank just put the shorter one on something it would be fine if you do do it then test it out side so iff it was for some strange reason break no recked house
But my tank is in a L shaped as its the only way they fit in,
I have two filters and heaters already, one in each. And the 60L water is about 3cm higher than the 40L
use an over flow, drill the tallest one attach an over flow pipe and drain it onto the smaller one, and then pump it back to the bigger one
Fish tunnel you can have them at different heights but you need to make the transferring tube so no air can enter it only water and this will stop the water from drainging from one to the other lots of effort though.
There was a writeup on the net a guy basically linked two tanks together with some clear tubing (large diameter and I bet very difficult if not impossible to source here in UK) but I thought it was good actually. To solve the problem of draining he could screw a cap onto the bit of the pipe that entered the water.
As long as water levels are the same in each tank that is the important bit. You would have to treat as one community tank though.

If you are inclined to do it and are prepared to pay big money (possibly) for the tubing I say give it a go :good:

Failing that you could always go for a romaurie tank but I think they are a bit on the complex side...
I think i will leave this idea to a "dream", to much hassle forme i think.

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