Congo Tetras


Fish Fanatic
Nov 12, 2007
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On a night my Congo Tetras swim on a funny angle then when I turn the light on in the morning they swim normal again ? Does' anyone know why this is ? Also I think they are trying to mate and wondered how I can spot the eggs?
Many fish 'sleep' nose down or at an unusual angle when resting after lights out. If they were like it with the lights on, I'd then start to worry :)

Not sure where congo tetra spawn I'm afraid so can't help on the second bit.
Many fish 'sleep' nose down or at an unusual angle when resting after lights out. If they were like it with the lights on, I'd then start to worry :)

Not sure where congo tetra spawn I'm afraid so can't help on the second bit.

Yeah when the lights are on they swim fine so I think there OK it's only when the lights are off hey still swim but just on a funny angle. Glad there not the only ones though that have weird sleeping habits
It can be off-putting when you first see it. I wondered what on earth was wrong with my cardinals when they stopped dead in the water nose down after lights out when I first saw it happen :lol:

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