Congo tetras I bought yesterday

Thank you :D

just so you guys know what's in there:

3 angel fishes
2 kulhi loaches
5 ghost shrimp (2 full of eggs :crazy:)
2 emerald green corydora
2 clown loaches
30+ neon tetras
4 harlequin rasboras
1 blue filter shrimp
3 silver hatchets
1 male & 2 female bettas
3 congo tetras
1 small crab some where
What really helps with fish that move a lot of are camera shy is check and see if your camera has a burst mode. My Sony has a burst3 mode where it'll take 3 pics back to back really fast, usually I can get one thats in focus from the 3. or it has the clip art where it'll take 16 fast pics and combine them into one large picture.

Heres what I mean these 3 were taken using the burst mode you'll see only one of them turned out kinda.




Heres another example



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