Congo Puffer !!!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 23, 2005
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Just went to my lfs and saw a congo dwaf duffer, I just fell in love with it :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :nod: :D :D , but can i have it in an empty 58 litre tank ? if so what tankmates
There are quite a few very informative threads about them. This being one of them. Best speak to the chaps over in the Oddball section :)

Edit: and use the search function for loads of info on them ;)
We need clarification here!

Congo puffers (tetraodon murius) are from Africa, bury themselves in the sand and look like potatoes.
They do best alone and grow upto six inches

Dwarf Puffers (carinotetraodon travancorius) are Asian, tiny, colourful and fast moving.
They like to be in small groups (but can be kept alone) and grow to around one inch

There's no such thing as a congo dwarf puffer, so which is it?

neither of these puffers do well with other species, so tankmates are limited to small plecs such as bristlenoses and rarely moving armoured catfish such as banjos and not much else.
The 'Congo Puffer' is usually Tetraodon murius, a relatively sedentary puffer that lays buried in the substrate waiting for lunch (or breakfast, or supper, or a snack) to swim by. They are relatively small, especially compared to their cousin Tetraodon mbu. This may be where the 'dwarf' thing comes from. They can be kept successfully for life in a 20 gallon aquarium.

There is no such thing as a good tankmate for T. murius because they'll swallow anything they can and will bite pieces off things that are too big to swallow. Still.....interesting fish if you can devote a tank to them.

Tetraodon Mbu is thought to be the biggest freshwater puffer (as far as I've heard anyway) so Tetraodon Murius being smaller than that doesn't really count for anything! ;)

Yes, usually a Congo Puffer is what the others have described, please try to describe them...

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