Congo Frogs


Fish Addict
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
southampton uk
saw some underwater frogs called congo frogs in LFS today. any info on them? think they were great......... can i keep in community tank?

ADFs are generally sold as congo frogs but check the ID in the pinned topic at the top. I personally keep mine seperate from my fish as they would starve. They are a bit stupid when it comes to food and it needs to be put directly in front of them or they will miss it, they wouldn't stand a chance with my fish. They would probably be ok in a community if you have an external filter that won't break their legs, small fish that won't eat them and if you are willing to feed them with a turkey baster. If you search the forum you'll find loads of info.

Hope this helps

cheers mate. ended up bying two for my community tank. am going to hand feed them? just quick question how often do i need to do this?
I think they are adorable and just bought some for my 20 gal community tank about a week ago. Right now they are still in a QT tank with cories. They seem to be doing fine eating on their own. When they smell food they come out of their hiding spot and chow down. I was prepared to be squirting bloodworms at them with a turkey baster but have not had to yet. Will see how it goes when I put them in their new home. My frogs were $4.99 each.

Congrats on the new frogs. Enjoy! :)

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