congo frogs


New Member
Oct 27, 2004
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i have just bought 2 congo frogs, could ne1 tell me how often i should feed them ?
The shop told me to feed them on frozen blood worms which i have put in my tank but the other thing i am concerned about is that they come in frozen blocks & i may be over feeding them or i may start to over feed my fish in the tank as they seem to have taken a likng to them as well as there normal fish flakes :dunno:.
I have bought some dried blood worms as well but i think the frogs are bottom feeders & the fish seem to get first pickings before they reach the bottom & i not even sure if the frogs are getting any. One other thing the frozen blood worm blocks seem to me to be a bit much for 2 frogs could ne1 tell me if there is a way of only feeding them part of the block or can the blood worms be re frozen once defrosted :S
I keep my frog in a 2.5 gallon on its own (until i can find it some friends). I get the frozen cubes of bloodworms and slice a chunk off or gouge some out with a kebab stick and defrost in water then clingfilm the rest of the cube snd refreeze. One cube lasts a couple of weeks as i only feed every other day. As your frog is in with fish you would be best getting a turkey baster or something similar and squirting the worms in front of the frogs. If not the frogs won't be quick enough to compete with the fish and will starve. I have tried mine on dried worms and found that if you crush the worms under water so all the air comes out they will sink.

Hope this helps

Frogs are useless hunters and will be out-competed by any living creature in your tank so here is what you do: Use frozen bloodworm not dried. Chip a chunk off and defrost it in a little tank water. Suck the worm-solution up into a baster or pipette. Locate your frog (the one thing they are good at is hiding lol) and squirt the worms right infront of its little face. Eventually it will learn to recognise the pipette as a source of food and will come to it. Mine butt their heads against it trying to get the worms out!
Have now moved my two little froggies into a 5 gallon tank all of their very own :cool:
They seem to be very happy in there and moving around a lot more :D
I feed my frogs and there friends a hole cude of blood worms, I just plop it in, and it great watching the hunt and smell out the food.

You sould'nt refreeze any frozen food.

If I need to use smaller peice's I cut it up frozen.
Yes have been chipping bits off the frozen bloodworms and defrosting in some of the tank water. Giving it to froggies every other day using a turkey baster. They getting used to feeding time now :D
Love some of the positions they get into its great to watch them, they do make me laugh :rofl:

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