Congo Dwarf Frog


New Member
Feb 18, 2007
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i just got a dwarf frog the lfs said there totaly aquatic is that true or do they need land also its front left foot is missing or deformed will it grow back also are they quite inactive mine doesent move much lol
i just got a dwarf frog the lfs said there totaly aquatic is that true or do they need land also its front left foot is missing or deformed will it grow back also are they quite inactive mine doesent move much lol
No, the missing foot will not grow back. :(
Look at the front feet, if its webbed you have a dwarf frog, if its not webbed you have an african clawed frog. I found the african dwarf frogs I used to have are inactive, however my African clawed I currently have is very active.
I dont think the foot will grow back.Not sure why its inactive as my girlfriends 4 ADF's are always scurrying about.
I dont think the foot will grow back.Not sure why its inactive as my girlfriends 4 ADF's are always scurrying about.

thanks for the help i have another problem with it i cant find it in the tank i dont think its been eatan but it may of got in the filter or escaped is this quite likely.

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