
Can you isolate the affected fish? If you can, I would put some salt with have corys so can't just add it to the main tank.....

As for pH. fish can tolerate a wide range of pHs provided it is stable.

Are the fish old by any chance?? Any bullies in the tank?? Are they eating?
Thanks for the recent replies

I cant isolate them as mum said no more tanks and im 23!!!! otherwise i'd love to set up a quartine tank.

Both fish concerned are eating, which is strange. The coral red platy isn't red hes losing some of his colour could be due to stress???

the molly looks pretty sorry for herself at the moment, she keeps looking at me for help, yet theres not much i can do, as they really don't have any symptoms that i can treat???

:sad: i feel pretty sad that theres not much i can do.

Molly is a couple months old is one of the young ones A.I.M gave me. The coral red platy i've had abit longer. i use to have two but one died ages ago (internal worms) that was a male.

I'm just doing 10% water changes hoping they perk up. Only filter media im using is Carbon, fliter floss, normal sponges and estiblished hex nodes from other tank (which has no disease)

Maybe they dont like my new design???

I have thought maybe the lights are too bright (hence the hiding) as i have Power glow tube and Aqua Glow tube in my Duo 600 tank.

:-( i don't know!!!
Are they females? Could they be pregnant? I know both times when my dalmation molly was pregnant she would dart around the tank for a day or two, then calm down and hover by the heater all day for a few days, then she would sit on the gravl behind some plants and have her fry there. They sound like they may be pregnant IMO, but I am not in expert so I am not 100% sure. :dunno:

Maybe you could just use like a larger bowl to give them each a salt bath for like 10-20 minutes if they react fine with the salt bath. :thumbs:
Thx rachel for your reply but i dnt think they are pregnant. It just so werid im filtering over carbon so should remove any impurities in the water. All water tests show nothing

Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate is now 0mg too

Just Ph is 8.0 may have something to do with the sand i put into my tank 2 weeks ago as it was alot of moving for the fish so maybe its still stress and need time to recover???

the molly drags her bum on sand when the male come near her as much to say no nookie tonight hunni. He just swims off in frustration!!! :lol:
The fish dragging her butt do you mean she is rubbing it in the sand as it could be internal parasites, and if you have had it before it could of come back.
She does it when the male tries to mate with her!!!! It appears to look fine its the behaviour im worried about.

Maybe add some melafix... what you think?????
What does it look like when the fish goes to the toilet, is her bum red and inflamed, any worm's coming out of the anus.
Is the new filter any stronger than the old one? Just to eliminate the possibility that it is a stronger current which they might not like?

Other than that I'm stumped. I would probably try some melafix, but I'm no expert.
Yeah its abit stronger but if anything i thought the guppies would be affected???? I changed from a Fluval 2 Plus to an external 104 on a 2ft tank. Seems they only been like this since it was installed, maybe they can't hack the increditable clean water chemistry???

I'm soooo baffled
well update...... red platy is doing much better and is spending more time in swimming than resting..... I have been adding PIMAFIX to the tank the last 2 days and seems to be reponding well.


The molly has disappeared overnight, we had a case of the jumps in the night as she was easily spooked. But haven't found a body or the molly anywhere in or out of tank....just vanished in the night. :sad:

R.I.P little girl :sad: where ever you are!!!
Do you have any other pets? Like a CAT? Sorry for your loss.
Carbon filters are only to be used to remove medication residual from a tank you can not give meds and keep the carbon in the filter. The carbon makes the meds useless. Just a tip for next time.
I took carbon out of filter before i put meds gutted that my molly disappeared. I want to move some fish from a 3ft tank downstairs now that the 2ft tank is up and running, as tank needs some life!!! :D
today my red platy started flicking against stuff in aquarium so i'm now treating with sterazin...

Wish me luck.
It always seems to be one thing after another in this hobby, good luck.

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