Conflicting Instructions

add a loach like a dojo loach

It's never a good idea to get a fish to 'deal' with a problem you're having. Apart from anything else it may not be suitable for the tank, and the dojo loach specifically should be in a group.

And in any case, I don't have room in the tank for any more fish.
Hi, maybe you can help me, I see you have the aquamode 600, the very tank I am looking to buy, the only thing holding me back is the filter system, although thats what's attracting me to it, as I like the idea of everything out of the way in hood, how do you find it, I presume access is easy, how about the filters are they able to cope etc, the LFS had it on display the guy was showing me its functions and I noticed the heater was not stuck on glass at angle, but put through the hole which is in filter frame to the right (if you look at filter box there is a aperture or hole to the right) this the guy said was for heater which fits though hole and giving you access to temp control dial of heater, he also said as filter is large and open to air, bacteria would thrive, sorry to ask so much but I would like this tank, but filter is making me cautious.
Hi, maybe you can help me, I see you have the aquamode 600, the very tank I am looking to buy, the only thing holding me back is the filter system, although thats what's attracting me to it, as I like the idea of everything out of the way in hood, how do you find it, I presume access is easy, how about the filters are they able to cope etc, the LFS had it on display the guy was showing me its functions and I noticed the heater was not stuck on glass at angle, but put through the hole which is in filter frame to the right (if you look at filter box there is a aperture or hole to the right) this the guy said was for heater which fits though hole and giving you access to temp control dial of heater, he also said as filter is large and open to air, bacteria would thrive, sorry to ask so much but I would like this tank, but filter is making me cautious.

Hi Basil,

We went for that tank on aesthetic grounds, ie the missus liked the semi-circular front. The filter is very easy to get at, and therefore maintain. I hadn't heard about fishless cycling, so did it fish-in, and it took 3-4 weeks. Taking on board what has been said in this thread about the necessity (or lack thereof) of the carbon cartridge, I'm going to take it out, and replace it with another sponge filter, and keep a fresh carbon cartridge in the cupboard purely for removing meds as and when necessary.

My heater is completely submerged, but I don't tend to need to fiddle with its control, as its thermostat does the job nicely.

My only gripe is that I have a couple of air-tubes going in to airstones and another for my CO2 diffuser - because the hood goes right across, those air-tubes kind of protrude towards the front of the tank, and need careful anchoring with sucker-clips or whatever. That said, it was my first attempt at setting up a tank, so I would probably make a better attempt at it if I were to do it again. I have put a vallis in front of them, and that's growing like anything, and doing a wonderful job of covering the tubes up! Another small gripe is that it is quite awkward to get the magnetic glass cleaner onto the back glass.

That aside, I and my family are very pleased with the tank, for me as a beginner to the hobby, it's been ideal.

Just an update on the snail situation, thanks to everyone who chipped in with suggestions.

Over the weekend, we bought 3 assassin snails, so hopefully the infestation will slowly subside.
The active ingredient in many snail killers is copper. Zeolite can remove some copper from the water. I avoid any such chemicals in my own tanks because the copper is also toxic to fish in higher doses and the snail killing concentration is high enough to kill things like shrimp.
Don't forget to have a suitable food ready for the assassins once they have cleared your pet snail problem. High protein pellets (such as cichlid pellets) and bloodworms are both a good snail substitute.
The active ingredient in many snail killers is copper. Zeolite can remove some copper from the water. I avoid any such chemicals in my own tanks because the copper is also toxic to fish in higher doses and the snail killing concentration is high enough to kill things like shrimp.

Thanks OldMan, I've decided against the chemical route, and am hoping the assassin snails will do the trick.
Hi, maybe you can help me, I see you have the aquamode 600, the very tank I am looking to buy, the only thing holding me back is the filter system, although thats what's attracting me to it, as I like the idea of everything out of the way in hood, how do you find it, I presume access is easy, how about the filters are they able to cope etc, the LFS had it on display the guy was showing me its functions and I noticed the heater was not stuck on glass at angle, but put through the hole which is in filter frame to the right (if you look at filter box there is a aperture or hole to the right) this the guy said was for heater which fits though hole and giving you access to temp control dial of heater, he also said as filter is large and open to air, bacteria would thrive, sorry to ask so much but I would like this tank, but filter is making me cautious.

Hi Basil,

We went for that tank on aesthetic grounds, ie the missus liked the semi-circular front. The filter is very easy to get at, and therefore maintain. I hadn't heard about fishless cycling, so did it fish-in, and it took 3-4 weeks. Taking on board what has been said in this thread about the necessity (or lack thereof) of the carbon cartridge, I'm going to take it out, and replace it with another sponge filter, and keep a fresh carbon cartridge in the cupboard purely for removing meds as and when necessary.

My heater is completely submerged, but I don't tend to need to fiddle with its control, as its thermostat does the job nicely.

My only gripe is that I have a couple of air-tubes going in to airstones and another for my CO2 diffuser - because the hood goes right across, those air-tubes kind of protrude towards the front of the tank, and need careful anchoring with sucker-clips or whatever. That said, it was my first attempt at setting up a tank, so I would probably make a better attempt at it if I were to do it again. I have put a vallis in front of them, and that's growing like anything, and doing a wonderful job of covering the tubes up! Another small gripe is that it is quite awkward to get the magnetic glass cleaner onto the back glass.

That aside, I and my family are very pleased with the tank, for me as a beginner to the hobby, it's been ideal.

Just an update on the snail situation, thanks to everyone who chipped in with suggestions.

Over the weekend, we bought 3 assassin snails, so hopefully the infestation will slowly subside.

Hi lock man, same here, Iv'e been looking for a tank for weeks, did all my research and all that, then my financial advisor see's the aquamode 600 and that was it, anyway picked it up today, couldn't wait to get it out of box, maybe you could help with a few points, how do you change the bulbs, I know you have to remove the plastic cover, but at what point do you grasp or lever it as it seems very brittle, I know at the moment it's fine, but there will come a time when a bulb goes or you want to change for a different colour, also how did you get your heater into tank as the aperture to the right of filter box is very tight the glass part goes down but the top part of heater won't go, I have a pump ready for airstone and a curtain also a co2 system (aquagro) so will see if I have a problem with pipes, (did you know that if you go onto aquaone website and fill in a short survey, they will give you an extra years warranty)
Hi Basil,

My tank is only a few months old, so I haven't yet changed a bulb, so can't help you on that one.

My heater is on the left of the tank (when viewed from the front), there's a cable aperture there which I used - absolutely no problems. I've got an AquaOne heater, which has a visual indicator of the temperature setting, so I set that before I installed it, and literally haven't touched it since (I do have a thermometer to check as well).

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