Conflicting Advice Re New Tank - Please Help

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Mrsdubs - yes, I realised that tap water rinsing was the worst thing I could have done when I read posts here last night :( I will leave it alone for a few months now.

Danny - thanks for the clarification. I do normally try to match the temperature and I do use dechlorinating agent as well as a product that includes good bacteria and helps restoring the balance in the water.

After all the worrying I decided to go down to the local shop to have my water quality checked out and potentially buy more products that would help. As it turns out all the levels are fine. I asked them to show me the charts and the colours for nitrogen, nitrite and nitrate were all at the minimal level (0, 0.1 and 5). I know some people said not to trust the measurements at the local shops, but even if it's not 100% accurate it still means that there is no danger really. Phew!!!
Do you guys reckon that this is possible? I mean having all the levels at minimum after 2 months of fishless running of the tank and 12 days of running with 8 fish? I did use tetra safe start in the water before the fish arrived and also topped it up with water changes as well. Could that have made all the difference?
i have done a fish in cycle using tetra safe start, but i did 90% water changes every day, the best you can get is prime, it lasts forever and binds the ammonia into a less toxic form temporarily untill you can deal with it, did the shop say what your ammonia reading was?

also you dont need any other products except dehlorinator and a good test kit, save your money, its questioned weather these sort of products work anyway, dont let the shop con you into buying any filter start products
Yes, they told me the ammonia was 0, nitrite was 0.1 and nitrate was 5.
Does this sound normal to you?
Nitrite MUST get to zero. Nitrite will kill fish far quicker than ammonia. Big water change I think...


Danny B
try having a look on you tube for a guide of how to use gravel vaccs, lots of people have videoed themselves using one and they talk you through it, to see it being used often gives you a 'ahhh so thats how its done' moment

I checked out a few videos on youtube and the version when they scoop the water up with the "vacuum end" and let it flow down to the end of the tube while holding it shot - and only releasing it when it's fully filled up with water have finally worked for me this morning - I was so pleased with it and it didn't make any mess in the tank at all! If it can be done so easily, it makes you wonder why they manufacturers don't put the simplest instruction on the packing!

Thanks for your tip again!

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