Conditioning Panda Cories


Fish Gatherer
Sep 27, 2003
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Well, I think my panda cories are almost big enough for me to try breeding...

From what I hear, the best thing I can use are live/frozen black worms. Since I don't have access to that (even at my LFS), what about frozen blood worms? My LFS does carry this, and even better, the one where I normally trade in my fries carry this...

Appreciate any feedback!
Bloodworms are a excellent conditioning food, especially if it is not mormally fed as a staple food.
Just hold back on feeding for a week and then start giving them heavy feedings of bloodworm 3 times a day.
I noticed that one of the lfs i go to used the names "blood worms" and "black worms" interchangably. When I asked about this the woman told me that they are the same thing. She said that they call blood worms black to distinguish them from tubiflex worms which are red. Of course, this was at one of the chain stores, so nothing would surprise me. :S

Anyway, to answer your question, yhbae, I use bloodworms to condition my corys. So far, I've been quite successful with breeding them so I guess it works. However, I always have some of them in the cory's diet. They love them. :)
Well, they have a double label on them - blood worm/mosquito lavae. So I guess this really is the blood worm, right?
yhbae said:
Well, they have a double label on them - blood worm/mosquito lavae. So I guess this really is the blood worm, right?
Yes, yhbae, bloodworms are mosquito larvae. :nod: You have the right food.
Great! Thanks for the confirmation. My next batch of platies are almost ready for the store credit - I should be able to get a decent amount of frozen blood worms for my cory conditioning... :D

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