Conditioning Kribs!

side with who you like,to many teenage exsperts on here. my fish are in fantastic condition,breeding constant.i gave info about getting these fish in good condition,not to have a know it all telling me how to take care of my fish,my way,suits my fish they happy iam happy. :good:

Fine. Here's the word of someone who's not a teenage expert: Kribensis are not harem breeders. Unless kept in a very large tank, the breeding pair will attack any fish perceived as a threat to their spawn. This will inevitably include the "extra" female.
but you are an expert on kribensis ? ok older expert.yes my tank is is very large and my fish are very happy,i didnt buy a harem,i bought what i was told to be a pair from a person that suppose to know what they were selling,they looked like two femails to me,but i wasnt the expert,.anyway they were 2 femails,i went and bought a mail,they been in there since,months,they onto there 3rd set of fry,not bad for killing each other.oh and i didnt say they were harem of my femail live at one end of my large tank,and the other lives at the other,and read my post what ever goes near the fry get attacked,but thanks for your input pica!, :good:
All isn't going too good today :( The male has gone totally lethargic, hiding away in the corner, on top of the filter etc, I can't get him to eat either :( I've now moved him to my other tank with the hope he perks up a little, hes breathing very fast, but other than that showing no signs of any illness at all, maybe the female has harrassed him too much? He's still coloured up nicely just not active :(
Yeah she was a little, but not a great deal, when I noticed him getting worse I moved him to another tank, he barely moved from the spot on the bottom of that tank for nearly a day until he died :( I'll go out tomorrow and try and find the biggest male I can!
sorry you lost your mail,if you turned your temp up turn it back down,mines breeding again 4th time in as many months,and they in fantastic condition.i hope you get a nice mail,,kenny

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