Conditioning Kribs!


Fish Crazy
Dec 13, 2008
Reaction score
Just Outside Cardiff, Wales
Howdy :good:
I got a pair of Kribs on the weekend, they're beatiful fish and have coloured up really nicely :drool: I would like to breed from them as a nice side project :) How do you go about conditioning them so they're perfectly happy? Right now I have a large plantpot sized mug in the tank as I didnt have a plantpot to hand (hope the missus dont notice :hyper: !) plenty of plants, a small cave with 3 entrances and some bog wood. Does all that sound about right?

Water stats are.. ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 20 and a PH of 7.2, temp of 26-27 c*

I think they're been 'flirting' the females belly has coloured up deep reddy/pink colour and shes gone from being pale silver when I got her to a lovely golden yellow :) the male seems to switch from pale to colouring up with a very slight pinky underside to him. They seem to bend in half and flare their dorsal fins to each other, the female a lot more so!

Does this all seem like good signs so far? and is there anything else I can do to give them a little push towards breeding?

Thanks :good:
seems to me they getting ready to breed anyway,iam onto my 3rd set of fry in 4months,i have 2 femails and 1 mail,they in prime condition,give them fresh live, and frozen bloodworm and a few different places to breed,and you will do well. best of luck,,kenny
Tkae your temp up to about 82 degree's ( 30 C). and do frequent water changes with cold water, and they will spawn. Dont try putting 2 females in with 1 male though, the female will be stressed out, and killed.
^ Dude, that isn't " Rubish". You can ask any person who has kept krib's. It is not a good idea, what so ever. I have kept krib's many, many time's, spawned them ect. Once 2 kribs pair up and breed, the third, male or female, will be killed. They are not a harem breeding fish such as some Apistogramma's and Multi's ( small african cichlid from lake Tanganika ). They will perceive the other fish as a threat, and eliminate them.
Thankyou very much for both of your replies guys! I only intend to keep the one pair so the 2f 1m issue wont be a problem for me :) one thing tho krib12, 82 = 28*...should I up it to 86 being 30*? Done roughly 10% cold water change this evening so fingers crossed I'll be a daddy soon :good:
Well heres the conversions according to my marina LCD thermometer thing for future ref :) ;
86 - 30
84 - 29
82 - 28
81 - 27
79 - 26
77 - 25
75 - 24
73 - 23
72 - 22
70 - 21
68 - 20
66 - 19
^ Dude, that isn't " Rubish". You can ask any person who has kept krib's. It is not a good idea, what so ever. I have kept krib's many, many time's, spawned them ect. Once 2 kribs pair up and breed, the third, male or female, will be killed. They are not a harem breeding fish such as some Apistogramma's and Multi's ( small african cichlid from lake Tanganika ). They will perceive the other fish as a threat, and eliminate them.
dude its NOT rubish in my tank they been in there months,and nothing gets bothered as long as nothing goes near the fry.they just scatter whatever goes near havent had any deaths,,kenny
I'm going to have to side with Kribensis12 on this one. Even if your second female hasn't been killed, is it really worth leaving her in there to be stressed out when the pair breeds?! Kind of a rough situation to put her in.
side with who you like,to many teenage exsperts on here. my fish are in fantastic condition,breeding constant.i gave info about getting these fish in good condition,not to have a know it all telling me how to take care of my fish,my way,suits my fish they happy iam happy. :good:
^ Dude you can do whatever you want, but it is most definatley not a good idea. Also, i dont know about you, but im definatley NOT an expert.
side with who you like,to many teenage exsperts on here. my fish are in fantastic condition,breeding constant.i gave info about getting these fish in good condition,not to have a know it all telling me how to take care of my fish,my way,suits my fish they happy iam happy. :good:

Fine. Here's the word of someone who's not a teenage expert: Kribensis are not harem breeders. Unless kept in a very large tank, the breeding pair will attack any fish perceived as a threat to their spawn. This will inevitably include the "extra" female.

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