Concerned About Bamboo Shrimp


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Mar 31, 2005
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Norfolk, UK
My Bamboo Shrimp seems the have (what looks like) a piece of his "skin" that didn't come off with his last shed. There is a black line which looks like a piece of old skin trapped between two folds.
He's acting completely normal, but I'm worried that this may somehow become infected or cause him harm :(

I obviously don't want to risk pulling it off, in case I do more harm. But is there anything I can do ? Apart from wait to see if it comes off at the next shedding ?
If the "skin" is dead I dont see how it could cause any harm as it may not be attached but rather just stuck.
Can you get a picture of him???
How did I know this question was coming ? :)
This is the best I can do under the poor light in my tank at the mo.

you could try briefly taking him out and seeing if it comes off easily with a damp cloth (dipped in aquarium water - and just gently wipe a few times). if not, I would leave it until the next shed, unless it starts looking like there's a problem, it might well come off on its own.
Thanks :) He's a very obliging chap (actually perhaps a girl ?) - I'll give that a go tonight. I really don't want to harm it :(
good luck, it you are going to wipe him, remember only wipe in the head to tail direction (not tail to head).

I never even got a chance to try anything, but tonight he's no more :rip:
:/ Really really wish I knew. Everything else in the tank is perfectly 100% and all the Amano Shrimp are hanky dory too - breeding even ! (thread of that over in the planted section). Param's are tip top (just had to check them too). A bit stumped really :-(

Guess it's just "one of those (unexplained) things" :dunno:

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