Concering Tetras (NEED ANSWER TODAY!!)


A Shrine To Madness
May 28, 2005
Reaction score
Fargo, ND
ok, today i am getting some new fish today. and i have been wanting some blood fin tetras for quite some time, and i am getting some if they are still there. but my question is, Can bloodfin tetras/ Serpae Tetras get along? i know my angel fish will, cause they just do there own liitle thing and that. they don't mind the tetras, they act as if they arent' there. i am also getting some more fish after the Blood fins.
Serpaes are major fin nippers - biting each other in small tanks and will probubly hastle you angels - good luck :crazy:
it's not a small tank, it's a 29 gallon tank (American gallons). and they hardly even know the angel excist. but that's not my question! wil blood fins and serpae tetras get along?
see my post above - they will more than likely hassel the bloods fins too.

what sort of hiding places do you have? they might be ok if they have a lot of plants etc to break up line of sight in the tank.
29 gallons actualy is a pretty small tank and, as all the fish mature, you probably will have problems with the serpaes and angels. Bloodfins and serpaes are usualy ok together as bloddfins don't have any very long, tempting fins and they are pretty quick. Bloodfins, IME, will also nip from time to time but not quite like a serpae can.
well, sadly, no blood fins were left. i hate the 25% off all fish sale today. oh well, i got a pretty good deal. instead i bought 1 female betta, yellow with red fins (baby) , 2 ghost glass catfish and 3 baby tiger barbs. when i say baby, i mean about three months old. i was originally also gonna get this puffer, but the guy asked what other fish i had, and he said it would rip my serpaes to peices.
Warning about tiger barbs...They really should be kept in gropus of 6 or more, because they will become very agressive towards other tank mates as well as each other. Specifically, I saw you had some angel fish, and Tiger Barbs can be very agressive and nippy to long finned fish, which include angel fish. You may want to consider re-homing them...sorry
that's odd, when i bought the tiger barbs, they were in a tank full of angel fish, they must be used to them. but i will put them in my other tank if i have to.
Here is a link about tiger barbs and their care. Look under maintenence for info about tank mates. LINK

BTW - you can try adding more barbs to keep them occupied, that way, they will chase eachother all day and leave the angels alone, but i'm not sure how fully stocked you are.
oh i have about 17 inches of fish. and my tiger barbs already chase each other around, like no one's there.

edit: i read the stuff in the link. at least i have the minmum amount so they won't pick on fish.
Serpae tetra's only become notorious fin nippers if the group is too small or the tank is too small. Kept right, all of their feisty activity is kept within their own group. Unfortunately with fish like Angels, a 29 gallon is considered small and you are best sticking to less feisty species then serpaes or tiger barbs.
well, it's really odd. my fish have checks and balances. My betta does it's own thing, and the angel fish do it's own thing. then serpae tetras and tiger barbs formed a group. when ever one of the tiger barbs or serpae tetras start following a fish. one of the ghost glass cat fish will jump up right infront of the serpae or tiger barb and then the serpea or tiger barb will calmly swim away. it's really nice. ghost glass catfish keep everyone in line.

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