Which one...I have 6 Desktops and 1 Laptop:
1 x P4 3.4Ghz, 2Gb, 600Gb SATA RAID, Geforce 6200, DVDRW, DVDROM/CDRW, Windows XP PRo
1 x AMD64 3400, 1.5Gb, 200Gb SATA RAID, BFG Geforce 6800, DVDRM, DVDROM/CDRW, Windows XP PRo
2 x AMD64 3200, 1Gb, 160Gb SATA RAID, Geforce 6200, DVDRW, DVDROM/CDRW, Windows XP PRo
1 x AMD 2800+, 1Gb, 160Gb SATA RAID + 400Gb IDE, Geforce 5700, DVDRW, DVDROM/CDRW, Windows Server 2003
1 x AMD 1900+, 512Mb, 40Gb IDE, Geforce 2 or something, DVDROM, CDRW, Windows XP PRo
And the Laptop:
AMD 3000+, 512Mb, 80Gb, DVDRW, Windows XP Pro
However, I am cheating a little as I am an IT Manager. I run my own full blown domain at home for testing purposes, practice, etc. I do 3d Modelling, Video Editing, Photography, play games, program C++/VB, PHP,MySQL, and use the internet and do an OU Course...all the systems have different purposes...So...its a big hobby of mine...