Completely New And Need A Bit Of Advice.


New Member
Oct 26, 2005
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HI all

Ok i am completely new at this :*)
I have just bought my first tank. It's a 14 1/2 litre cold water tank with an air pump and filter.
I have set everything up and have the filter running and hope to get the a couple of fish on Saturday.
I need your advice on what type of fish would be the best and how many?
Also what is the best way to introduce them to the tank?

I have so many books now that keep contradicting each other i'm just getting confused!!!

I really want to do my research and get this right hence the questions - i hope you don't get fed up with me. :D
That's a very small tank and you are really limited in what you should keep.

I would buy a heater and keep a betta in it.
If you are really determined to have a coldwater fish then you are limited to one,
and one only, fantail goldfish. it will need a much bigger tank in the future.
Personally I'd go for the betta option.

You may wish to read some of the pinned topics in the beginers forum about cycling your tank.
Hmm having read a bit more i see that my tank is tiny! It was supposed to just get me started and the guy in the shop said it would be fine for a couple of fish- i guess i just trusted his word. :(

I'm so disappointed.
i guess i just trusted his word. :(

te lesson there is trust nothing the lfs says untill you have it verified from an indepenent source, like this forum. It is a sad fact that most lfs' are in it for the money and don't give a jot for the fish or thier welfare.

As a lfs employee, it really annoys me when this sort of thing happens. not all lfs's are the same there are the odd one or two that actually care about fish. Untill you know for sure that the advise you are getting from your lfs is correct, then take everything they say with a pinch of salt.

I'm reminded of something Quark said in DS9
"we just want to sell you things"

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