Complete And Utter Novice Requires Friendly Advice

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the goldfish also need heavy filtration because they release a lot of ammonia, but also remember the comment posted( i think it was in ths thread) one goldifsh need 40 gallons, each additional ones need 10 gallons, also snails brred a lot, so you should probaly ask your LFS is they could give you store credit for the babies, or maybe take them from you. I hope this helps :)
For what it's worth, I think you are doing really well. I can't count how many times I have seen goldfish owners plus their ears and look the other way when told they can't keep their fish in a bowl if they want to treat a pet the way it should be treated. The fact that you immediately (and seemingly happily) agreed to make a large investment for these fish says a lot. I hope it goes smoothly for you. It sounds like they are headed for having a nice, long life with someone as willing to look after them properly as you.
Apology accepted. The lfs guy seemed flaky to begin with which is why I came here.

I'm prepared to accept a huge error of judgement on my part, I should have done my research first but you do expect the lfs to offer first class advice, it turns out their backsides should resemble that of my goldfish's mouths when selling.

I'm going to go the extra mile with these goldfish and treat them to a new large home, I've just got off the phone with an aunty who is going to donate some mature medium whilst taking in my 3 chipmunks for a couple of months (she's an old pro but family woes stopped me asking her for initial advice)so I can mature my tank properly. I know this sounds like daft talk but it's worth it watching my son trace them across the tank, engrossed.

With all that in mind, I may still use the small tank for some snails but I'm still worried about aeration, the filtered water doesn't seem to break the surface even though there are 8 streams of water, is the water level too high????

Good morning.

You are not the only one whose fallen in the trap of listening to the guy in the LFS so don't feel too bad.

The little tank would make a nice little shrimp tank, why have not a go at aquascaping that with some nice plants and small rocks once you have the goldies tank sorted out? The filter not making bubbles on the surface should be fine, it's water movement that's desirable as I understand it. Alternatively, you could drop the water level.

There are certain types of barbs that will live quite happily in a cold water set up and would be big enough for the goldies not to eat. Rosy barbs are nice and would be big enough I think, my Father in Law has some in a cold water setup and they are doing fine, if you can get hold of the intense red or neon varieties they are lovely, a very bright, active fish.

I do hope everything works out for you and your tanks :good:
Hi Jonnytub

You will find this a really friendly forum. As previously said, sometimes its hard to convey in text what you actually mean. You will find most of the time, members get really angry with the way new people to the hobby get treated by LFS!!

I agree with Delta above, your little tank would make a really nice planted shrimp tank, perhaps with some red cherry shrimps. I have a load in my 90 litre and they are very interesting to watch. I am sure your son would love watching them too!!

Hope everything works out well, you are doing exactly the right things!!

Hi there :)

honestly the majority of people on here are really friendly - im new myself and fell into the same trap (although with tropical fish) and ended up doing a fish-in cycle.

i realise your son is probably rather attached to the goldfish already... but a thought maybe for the future if the goldies get too big or get a pond.. a friend of mine has twins, one with autism (and i also used to work with autistic young adults) - neon tetras (tropical fish) are a massive hit. they are small but the bright colours (there are a variety of different ones you can find) and the fact they shoal together are very calming for autistic kids :) perhaps the 16l could house 6 or so small neons?
Unfortunately, as this is a public forum, there are members who know only what they've been told by their LFS or what they've found on Google and pass this info on as fact. There is no substitute for researching yourself from as many sources as possible rather than taking someone's word for it. As long as we learn from our mistakes they are not mistakes, just errors of judgement :)

The main points raised though are:

Over filter your new tank, an external filter is the only way to keep goldfish in a tank IMO as the internals just aren't up to the job.

Never trust a salesman :)
Try and research before you go to a LFS or have a look round and avoid impulse buys until you've satisfied yourself that you are happy with what you're buying.

I myself started 10 years ago with 3 goldfish in a 15g tank so don't be disheartened, we all make newbie errors.
Not much I can advise more than you have had already been told by other members, I hope you get all the answers you need here and hope this poor start to fish keeping doesnt put you off!!

Personally, I would take the goldfish back to the shop (horrible for kids I know but not as bad as if they die and goldfish are a serious long term big tank commitment! They live longer than most dogs or cats!).

A tank about 40 liters wont take up too much more space and a little heater wont make it any more difficult to look after at all and will cost £5 a year or less to run. You could have a group of platies or male guppies of different colours, enough room for each kid to have their own coloured guppy and platy :)

Would make your life so much easier! And be far more pleasant to look after :)
And just so you know, not all fish shops are bad, everyone here likes to bad mouth their local fish shops because they may have had a bad experiance or have heard from other people about their bad experiences.

Ok so maybe we are far and few between but some of us are actually good at our jobs, honest and try our best. It is always best to double check all advice in a hobby that is so opinionated, but dont take for granted that just because noone on here appreciates actually having a LFS, that all fish shops and their staff are rubbish.
And just so you know, not all fish shops are bad. Ok so maybe we are far and few between but some of us are actually good at our jobs, honest and try our best. It is always best to double check all advice in a hobby that is so opinionated, but dont take for granted that just because noone on here appreciates actually having a LFS, that all fish shops and their staff are rubbish.
Seconded :)

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