Complain, complain complain............


Group hug needed on my 88 gallon. :rolleyes:

If I hadn't listened to all your advice and got such a monster for my first tank I would be able to hug too :sad:

.......but then I wouldn't have all my little darling fishes... :wub: :wub: :wub:

Sitting at work dreming of my fish world at home........... :fish:

Ill pass on that one, Ive already had many a mouthfull from my XL "crazy straw" known as my gravel vacume. :sick: :sick: :sick:
I got a swig of fish water and it tasted quite nice. I thought it would be fishy do do e but is was really clear and had a hint of melafix, Sought of like tropical juice ;)
DrOizo said:
I got a swig of fish water and it tasted quite nice. I thought it would be fishy do do e but is was really clear and had a hint of melafix, Sought of like tropical juice ;)
:sick: :rofl:

I've swallowed my fair share of 'betta fry' water. Their tanks are the only ones that I start the syphon via mouth.There's nothing like a mouth full of microworms :D :p :sick:
hugs to all my fishy friends, except the puffers, don't think they'd appreciate it, they just get a thumbs up and smile :D
I guess I should have been hugging a little more often :no: :-(

I have FUUUUNNGGGUUUUUUSSSS!! :-( :-( :sick:


Same FISH!!!

Say it isn't so :no:

I'm gonna go cry now....... :byebye:


Feed your fish bits of Herseys Kisses and Hugs! Gives them pleasure AND affection! Side note, did you know that Red Bellied Pacu seem to have some sort of addiction to Hot Tomallies? JUST LOVE THE THINGS!!...*hugs fish tank...tries to climb in with them but doesn't work*....drat.

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