Compatible with Angelfish?


Fish Addict
Apr 23, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
B) I am a bit of a newbie to community tanks, as Iv only had an angel and a red devil. So Iv got a mature Angel and two little rhino plecos in a 20 gal. I want to move them to my 60 with by big common pleco. My thoughts were to also add a juv angel, and a ghost knife. Are they compatible as far as ph temp and food go?
I need some ideas on at least 1 or two more compatible tankmates. I love lots of colour.
Any suggestions? OH and what do people think of blood parrots? There soooo cute but i'v got mixed feelings about hybreds. Anyone who has them let me know what you think.
What are the dimensions of your 60? although your tank mates sound compatible, the tank may not be. Knife prefer a tank with a big foot print (very long and wide) while angels require tall tanks for their fins. If the tank is at least 18 inch's thick though, you should be fine. But to answer your question, yes, their pH and water parameters are similar. :)
I would say No to Blood parrots, if you type in blood parrot at the search bar in this page, you can see many of the debates surround these fish, and many problems they have. They usually have deformed swim bladders, and have kinked spines, their mouths also prevent them from eating properly. But sometimes they may have no problems.
One thing you have to remember though, is that in buying one of those things, you will help support the industry that dyes fish and other such cruelties.
Another reason I wouldn't get his is that if he took one nip at the Ghost Knifes tail (they are after all, a Hybrid between A red Devil and Severum cichlid) it could be the end of one of them, either the BGK would kill the parrot, or have it's electrical organ, and starve to death. They also grow around 8" when full grown, and are about as wide as they are tall. :/
As for other fish your could put in there, try looking up some Loach's (clowns or YoYo's would work nice) and other bottom Dwellers. I would look up more docile fish though, as both the BGK and angel fish prefer a still tank with no other fish whizzing around. :)
Thanks FrankSlaperini, I had no idea that blood parrots were dyed. Thats horrible.
Parrots are definately out. The poor fishys. :angry: By the way the dimensions of my tank (if i remember from the last time i measured it) were something like 18 high 17 wide and over 40 long. I think that was it.
I have rainbows (Irian red and bosemani) as tankmates to my angel. They're very colorful and active... awesome fish. An added bonus... after I added them to the tank, the aggression between my angels stopped!
Only problem with rainbows is that they take a very long time to get there full coloring (at least boesmani's), I've had mine for around 9 months and they are just starting to get there adult color's. But they are some of the most beautiful fish once they are full grown. :)

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