Compatible Tank Mates For Firemouths?


New Member
Jan 6, 2006
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I have recently purchased a 30x20x15 inch tank which I wish to become a tank for a pair of firemouths. I was wondering whether there are any central american fish which could stay in the tank with the firemouths at all times without getting killed?

Thanks :)
i would recommend other semi-aggressive cichlids that are about the same size as adult firemouths (6").
I think a 30" tank should be donated to your firemouths. If you split this tank into two then you are cramming both types into an unnaturally small area barely more then a foot long and the most activity either type of fish will be able to see is fighting over their little area. By all means if you do want to try this then you'd better be very careful in your choice of the second speceis - if you go with the convicts, for example, your firemouths would end up killed.
I agree with freddk. I wouldn't put them with another cichlid in a tank that size. Firemouths only. You can certainly have some tankmates (a plec, larger tetras perhaps), just not another cichlid.
Maybe a few female kribensis? I know they're considered African, but if you're looking for tankmates, kribs and firemouths SEEM TO ME to have similar personalities.. just don't get a pair of kribs or you're in trouble lol..

Could always add some big tetras I guess.. not as exciting as cichlids, but if you're looking for ANYTHING that might be an option.
what about keeping a breeding pair of firemouths with two male blue acaras?

would the acaras fight with each other?
what about keeping a breeding pair of firemouths with two male blue acaras?

would the acaras fight with each other?

There is not enough room in the tank for both the acaras and the firemouths. Acaras can get up to 8 inches, so I wouldn't even put one in a 30inch long tank.

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