Compatible fish?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 22, 2004
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia - USA
I have 10 tiger barbs in a 30g tank; I was looking at the Black skirt tetras and the Chinese algae eaters.

Are these 3 fish compatible?
If so what would be a good limit of each fish, keep in mind I have 10 tigers and I plan on maintaining there population.

I was too lazy to search tonight, so I thought I’d ask here first, I went for Blood Worms and seen these great fish, I’ll do research tomorrow but I would love to get your opinions.

I know I may be pushing my limits but I do weekly water changes…

Fish health is the first priority,

We keep black skirts, serpae and diamond tetras with our tiger barbs. No problems when you keep then with the larger tetras. I have no idea about the algae eater, though :D

Yes, unfortunately I have read about a Chinese algae eater attacking a black skirt tetra.

I wonder if having Black Skirts in a group of 6 or more would help.
Tigers are a little weird by them selves too; maybe multiple Chinese algae eaters would help.

I guess i better research this a little more before making a decision... -_-

Okies ... here we go :p
Actually, I think I'll just copy a link here! ...

Most people will say they're horrible fish, attack others etc ... honestly, I have never had any problems with mine, which I've had for quite some years now! Only thing I have noticed is that they are very terretorial (blah, however you spell that) and do not really tolerate any of their kind around them.

Yes, they Can attack other fish when they decide they like slime coating of a fish better than algae tabs ... however, a plec, siamese algae eater or pretty much any sucker mouth can do this too! They do not all turn out to be evil, but they are a bit more likely to start sucking the slime coating of fish than the others are.

Honestly, they're gorgeous fish with a lot of personality if you ask me ... and I do love mine to pieces, but I dont think I'd go for them again simply because of the worries I have that they might attack the other fish. I know they more than likely wont, seeing as all they do is clean the tank and chase eachother ... but hey :)

If you do go for chinese algae eaters, keep in mind that when they get older, they might get aggressive. If you go for them, I'd only get 1 :)
Thanks, i think all signs are pointing to 'No' on the Chinese Algae eater. :huh:

This is another one i found...
"As to the Chinese Algae eater. These fish are generally sold as very young juveniles. When young, they are fairly peaceful but as they grow, they become quite aggressive. There is really no need for this fish in your aquarium. Cleaning the glass every week should take care of any algae. If you need some additional help maintaining the algae, I suggest a snail rather than an algae eater.."

I wonder how long it takes them to grow,

But some Black Skirt Tetras should do ok with the Tigers i think. B)


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