IC1 where have you been my friend? we have all missed you and your hunt for evidence. i thought this topic was long gone......
IC1 have you been researching your fishes needs? obviously not as you still are searching for your goal of scientific proof such a sad shame!
its a shame you wont post any pics of your happy barb in a 3ft tank as i would love to see it. does it have any barb friends or is it still a single fish? im sure you will be aware that these fish prefer to be in as bigger group as possible. i have no scientific proof of this just what ive watched when i owned a group of these great fish. i did also notice that a 4ft tank which they were in was about the minimum size that they should be kept in due to their activity levels and speed but sadly my observations were not noted in the fish keepers book of scientific evidence. again such a sad shame!
my statement you refer to doesnt need to be developed its fairly obvious to everyone else on here
as for maturing who is the one with child like behaviour demanding evidence all the time? sounds like my daughter demanding an ice cream or chocolate bar etc
do you work out how fast to get out of bed then what way to wash in the shower and with what hand? maybe at the same time thinking of the way and speed to eat your breakfast and with what spoon...... what car to take to work and what speed to drive it at. what clothes to don and what order to put them on and with what calculated movements and speed.
or do you not do much because you are searching for the scientific proof on life and how things are done in a scientific manor. without this proof life cant go on......
how sad although i bet some people would buy a book like this. maybe start to journal of your life and how scientific proof has mapped your life out for you. that might be a bit more interesting than your hunt for proof on this topic you started way back.....
thinking about it would you need scientific evidence to work out if the book would be suitable and a good choice?
IC1 where have you been my friend? we have all missed you and your hunt for evidence. i thought this topic was long gone......
IC1 have you been researching your fishes needs? obviously not as you still are searching for your goal of scientific proof such a sad shame!
its a shame you wont post any pics of your happy barb in a 3ft tank as i would love to see it. does it have any barb friends or is it still a single fish? im sure you will be aware that these fish prefer to be in as bigger group as possible. i have no scientific proof of this just what ive watched when i owned a group of these great fish. i did also notice that a 4ft tank which they were in was about the minimum size that they should be kept in due to their activity levels and speed but sadly my observations were not noted in the fish keepers book of scientific evidence. again such a sad shame!
my statement you refer to doesnt need to be developed its fairly obvious to everyone else on here
as for maturing who is the one with child like behaviour demanding evidence all the time? sounds like my daughter demanding an ice cream or chocolate bar etc
do you work out how fast to get out of bed then what way to wash in the shower and with what hand? maybe at the same time thinking of the way and speed to eat your breakfast and with what spoon...... what car to take to work and what speed to drive it at. what clothes to don and what order to put them on and with what calculated movements and speed.
or do you not do much because you are searching for the scientific proof on life and how things are done in a scientific manor. without this proof life cant go on......
how sad although i bet some people would buy a book like this. maybe start to journal of your life and how scientific proof has mapped your life out for you. that might be a bit more interesting than your hunt for proof on this topic you started way back.....
thinking about it would you need scientific evidence to work out if the book would be suitable and a good choice?