Compatibe Tank Mates For Cories?


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset

I have quite a few cories in my tank of different types. I also have tetras - rummy nose, neons, head and tail light, flame and I also have a red tail black shark who seems to be ok at the moment as had him from baby and he is still smallish, an angel fish again who is peaceful as he was the size of a 5p when I had him (cute) and I have a pair of dwarf gouramis M+F oh and a bristlenose plec!
I am looking for a few bigger fish, maybe some more dwarf gouramis, but I was wondering what else would be compatible with them. I do have another tank so If I can't get anything beautiful for this tank then I might have to start it up again :) Any options for nice fish for another tank - it is only 95 litres. My current tank is about 200 litres

how about discus? your tank looks lovely in the pic and some discus would look nice in there

or if you don;t fancy that route I would get keyhole cichlids. Beautiful fish in an understated way and would like nice in that planted tank of yours
how about discus? your tank looks lovely in the pic and some discus would look nice in there

or if you don;t fancy that route I would get keyhole cichlids. Beautiful fish in an understated way and would like nice in that planted tank of yours

I really wanted discus but because of the temp change it wouldn't be suitable for all the different types of cories in my tank :( I love discus as they are so beautiful!
Once your angelfish gets full grown, it will eat the neons.A school of 5-10congo tetras would look great in your tank. they get about 3 inches and are peaceful.Or maybe 3-5 giant danios,I have 3 in a 35 gallon that are doing great.
Hi weezawoo :)

Let me suggest a pair of swordtails. I've become very fond of mine and they are peaceful fish that do well with my corys. Their bright colors are particularly attractive.





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