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Compatable Fish + How Many?!

I could pass on from the Siamese Fighter but I don't no what would be a great replacement, Gourami's are ok but like u say I've had them before in smaller tanks and they fight. What other centre piece fish could work?

Sorry, didn't see your comment. Also, which cory species interbreed? As far as I know corys of different species don't interbreed and most of them don't shoal together if there are of different type though you can see them eating together of course.

i dont know some off the top of my head, but ive seen videos on youtube of hybrids, and ive seen tanks and videos of multiple species of corys shoaling together and lying on top of each other, and just messing around like they do with their same species

the only ones i would try as a centerpiece fish (most common, and the ones ive tried) are bettas, gouramis, and GBR cichlid( they require pristine environment and a tank that has been running for a long time)sorry but i dont really know any others, except maybe scarlet badis, idk how they would do witht ehother fishes though, they are realy small and might get eaten or harassed
I don't want to steer away from the topic, but there are no hybrid corys as far as I am aware, not even on youtube. :lol:
this is off topic, but i saw some, i forgot where, it was titled like 55 gal or something. The comments were saying hybrids are bad etc. The corys had a spotted head like a peppered and the body was lined like a different kind of cory
Thanks for the great feedback! I've come up with a new list!

4x Leopard Danios
4x Zebra Danios
6x Blue Neons Tetra
3x Agassizi Cory
3x Three Lined Cory
1x Borneo Sucker Loach
1x Half Moon Siamese Fighter (Really want one of these!)

Siamese Fighter should be ok with the smaller fish I thought?
Sorry to be yet another party pooper, but skip the sucker loach too. If it's really a hillstream loach, they need very fast flowing, highly oxygenated water and a lower temperature than the rest of your fish. If it's a Chinese sucking loach then it'll get very large (over a foot long) and very aggressive towards other fish as it gets bigger.

Either way, not a fish for community tank.

I would also advise going with two different types of corydoras. They will shoal together, but only for want of their own kind. six of one species is far better than three of two.
The Siamese Fighter fish might be alright, but be ready to move it into something else if something goes wrong. The good thing about betta's is that they don't require a large tank (I keep mine in a 2.5 gallon).

As for the gouramis, if you feel like they are not your cup of tea (they do have a negative side: Disease prone and can possess aggression if not comfortable with environment), then try either the bolivian rams, or just plan stocking without a centerpiece.

As for your current planned stock
4x Leopard Danios
4x Zebra Danios
6x Blue Neons Tetra
3x Agassizi Cory
3x Three Lined Cory
1x Borneo Sucker Loach
1x Half Moon Siamese Fighter

This still won't work.

Leopard Danios - 2.5 inches each
Leopard Danios - 2 inches each

that's 18 inches right there. Danios need space to swim.

I would START with this

5 Zebra Danios or 4 Leopard Danios
6 Blue Neon tetras
6 Corys (1 species)
and TRY the halfmoon Siamese Fighter

That's a good starting stock for a 24 gallon.
as someone who was told 3 gold/albino cories would be happy with my original 3 peppered cories i can confirm they were NOT happy together. at first i thought they were and saw them swimming together... but the albinos havent grown at all since getting them and 2 of the 3 have died.. while my peppered cories are getting quite big now, i'm planning to get another 3 peppered soon which should hopefully work better!

personally i chose my stock by looking in the lfs and researching as much as possible - for example when i first saw diamond neons i completel;y fell in love, same with cherry barbs.

what about something like:

10 x neon (whichever you prefer but pref one of the smaller breeds like diamonds)
6 x cherry barb
6 x cory of same species
1 x male lace/pearl/blue gourami
Sorry to pile on, but this is not a great combo of fish.

Ditch the hillstream loach because the other fish won't cope with the high flow, high oxygen envrionment.

Stick to one species of cory.

Bettas and Danios can be very poor tankmates, depends on the betta, but they also have temperature issues.
Temperature issues
Danios 18-24
Cories 22-27
Siamese 24-30
Neons 21-27 (Preferring higher end of that)

If you really want the betta, go with a betta ane neons/other tetras. 1 species of cory and ditch the danios.
How about having a look at other dwarf cichlids other than the rams? They are beautiful fish with great personalities that make them great centre piece fish.

How about something along the lines of:

A pair of apistogramma (borellii, baenschi, cacatuoides, panduro, etc. there are lots to choose from!)
6x corydora of the same type- Sterbai are a beautiful cory, and their golden fins would add more colour to the tank again.
10 or so tetra, or you could have a look at rasbora- espei and harlequins are beautiful.
I think the tank might be slightly too small for a single firemouth if any other fish are wanted for the tank, plus the OP might not be used to cichlid behaviour. Dwarfs are a good starting point for getting to know the behaviour and what to expect of cichlids :)

You could also look into laetacara species, nannacara, Checkerboard cichlids (very pretty fish!), keyhole cichlids (my favourites- such sweet personalities) and many other small-medium sized cichlids to see if any of those take your fancy :3

Marshy, do you know what the pH and hardness of your water is, as this will effect what fish you will be able to keep :)

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