

New Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Would Rainbows/Rainbow Shark/Angel fish be compatible? The angel and shark have been together for 2 years and are fine, but I'm upsizing to a 38 G and am really getting excited about some rainbows...

Also would be some Sterbai corries and a few ottos.

So roughly:

1x Rainbow Shark
1x Angelfish
2x Ottos
5x Rainbows (Probably Boesemani)
5x Sterbai Corries

Maybe a few shrimp as well...

Thoughts? Be blunt! :)
i wouldn't put a shark and rainbows in a tank that size. I have 5 bosemani's and a red tail shark (pretty much the same thing) in my 75 gallon. the shark hides with the clown loaches most of the time, but lately, i've seen him chasing my rainbows a bit. they are bigger than him and can more than hold their own, so i'm not worried. He just lunges at them and swims away. They just shrug it off and continue flaring at eachother.

However, in a tank 1/2 the size, i can see some issues. larger rainbows (like bosemani's) will be fine phsyically, but take up a lot of room in that tank. plus, the angel will lack the speed to get away from the shark.

i'd rethink your stocking if i were you. The shark may cause more trouble then he's worth in a tank that size. good luck.
Thanks for the reply! I appreciate your insight. I'm glad to know that you successfully keep a shark with your rainbows.

I'll give it some more thought; perhaps I'll leave the shark in my old tank. However, I did want to mention that mine has a similar temperment, in that he/she'll sometimes lunge at other fish when they get close to his 'territory', but never actually nips or harms them... including the Angel. They've been together for 2 years this September in a relatively small tank -- I'll refrain from mentioning its size! :shifty:

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